Charity Shop Manager

Charity Shop Manager About COPE Galway   COPE Galway’s vision is a community where every person is valued, cared for, and supported at every stage of life. We work hard to achieve our vision by providing essential supports for people at challenging times in their lives and by advocating for systemic change to remove the root causes of inequality and disadvantage that constrain the wellbeing and development of individuals and families. COPE Galway responds to the needs of people in our community who face homelessness, domestic abuse and older people who need social and nutritional support. We aim to make a difference by empowering people, creating change, and strengthening our community.  Further information on COPE Galway and the work that we do can be found at   The Opportunity  COPE Galway is looking for a passionate and driven Charity Shop Manager to be the driving force behind our new Charity Shop in Galway city. COPE Galway recently opened a new charity shop at Newtownsmith, Galway City. It is a vibrant, large space that allows us to dramatically increase the size of our operation and extend sales to second hand furniture, “pre-loved” formal wear/wedding dresses and more.  As the Charity Shop Manager you will lead a team of volunteers, create vibrant displays, and manage daily operations. Your enthusiasm for sustainable shopping will inspire both customers and volunteers. Physical activity is part of the job, as you’ll be hands-on in processing stock and creating impactful shop layouts.  This is a full-time position (37 hours, 5 days per week). Are you someone with a high level of initiative, adaptability and creativity? Are you passionate about making a difference in your local community, sustainable shopping, and driving a circular economy while empowering volunteers?   If yes then, this role is tailor-made for you!  Main Responsibilities Manage the day-to-day operations of the shop, including incoming donations, volunteers, stock management, and merchandising Recruit, lead, train, and motivate volunteers to be ambassadors for COPE Galway while creating a positive and welcoming shop environment Deliver great customer service  Create vibrant displays, including lifting and moving furniture Develop and implement strategies to increase sales and donations Support client needs through donated clothes and other items as necessary Create engaging social media content  Maintain accurate financial records and prepare regular reports Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations and other legal requirements Business administration and communications with Head Office At all times proactively manage and maintain the good reputation of COPE Galway in the community, fostering strong relationships with donors, customers, and other stakeholders  Skills and Experience Previous experience in retail management, preferably in a charity shop or other non-profit setting Excellent problem solving skills, the ability to adapt flexibly along with a can-do attitude Exceptional leadership skills with the ability to inspire and lead a diverse team of volunteers Ability to create and develop processes and procedures while adhering to organisational policies Ability to develop and implement effective marketing and promotional strategies Creativity and ability to think outside of the box A passion for the mission and values of COPE Galway  Enthusiasm for sustainability and the circular economy, with a genuine commitment to eco-friendly practices Fluent in English A full driving licence  Key terms and conditions of employment  Contract:  Three Year Fixed Term Contract Full TimeAnnual leave:  24 days  Other Benefits: Training in Trauma Informed Practice Access to our Employee Assistance Programme Employee benefits such a special rate at gyms Bike to work scheme Hours of work:  37 hours per week    

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