Centre Manager

Job descriptionAttuned Programmes Irelandwww.attunedprogrammes.ieJob Title: Centre ManagerLocation: Ashford, in Co.WicklowOrganization: Attuned Programmes IrelandAbout Us:Attuned Programmes Ireland specialises in providing Residential care, Community outreach and Day services to adults and children with complex support requirements on both the Intellectual Disability and Mental Health spectrums. We pride ourselves in providing true person-centred care for individuals in their own home or in appropriate community-based care facilities.Overview of Role·      Oversee the operational management of the Centre in our Mental Health Service.·      Provide assurance to the Director of Operations regarding the quality and safety of the care and services delivered to service users.·      Work closely with the Director of Operations and Clinical Director with regard to both planning and implementing the effective delivery of services.Purpose of Role         The Operations Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the Approved Centre and will support the Clinical Director and their Multi-Disciplinary Team providing them will all necessary supports and resources.Responsibilities & Key Duties        • To ensure the service is delivered to the highest quality and safety principles based on associated regulations, national standards and best practices.• To ensure all company policies and ways of working are being adhered to at all times.• To drive a KPI structure and work with your team to ensure they meet agreed targets.• To ensure an effective use of resources through good planning practices, regular checking and as necessary the identification of errors and development and implementation of plans to address same and return to normal service provision. • Complete assurance checklist and identify non-conformances and associated action plans      Eligibility criteria• Minimum QQI Level 7 qualification in Social Care, Social Science, Youth and Community Work, Family Support, or a related field.• Be confident, trustworthy and respectful.• Be able to interact and communicate at all levels so that at the end of the day the Job Gets Done.• Be able to manage stressful situations and stay focused on the tasks that need to be done and the quality and safety standards expected to be achieved.   • Be able to think problems through and to not only avoid any reoccurrence but also to plan for your sustained success and the success of your teams. • Be self-motivated, work with minimal supervision, be a good timekeeper.Knowledge of related legislation desirable:• Mental Health Care Act 2001• Mental Health Commission Judgement Support Framework• Mental Health Commission Quality Framework• Disability Act 1998 & 2005(Amendment)• Data Protection Act 2003• Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005• Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2005 & 2007• Employment Equality Act (1998-2008)• Freedom of Information Act (1997)• Nurses and Midwives Act (2011)• Children’s First National Guidance 2011 where relevant• Garda vetting clearance is required.• Full driving licence is essentialBenefits:- High-quality training and professional development opportunities, including trauma-informed reflective practice training.- Paid sick leave.- Access to an education fund for continuous professional development.- Dynamic and supportive work environment.  Job Types: Permanent , Full- Time,Part-Time , Ad-HocSalary - D.O.E

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