Centre Cleaner, Pembroke

Tigers Childcare are looking to recruit a cleaner for our creche facility in Pembroke, Cork in this exciting time of growth within the company!Part Time Role: 20 hours per week Salary- €13 per hourRole of Cleaner : To maintain cleanliness of the Centre on a daily basis to ensure it is presented in a clean and hygienic condition.Benefits & what we can offer you:Competitive salary30 paid holiday days, including bank holidays (Holiday increments based on length of service)5 days statutory sick paymentFlyeFit Gym DiscountedExclusive Colleague Lifestyle & Learning Discount PlatformAccess to HSF Health Plan with 10% discount benefitReferral bonus for introducing new colleagues (250 euro), UnlimitedEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP), Further development and training within the industry.Continuing Professional Development (CPD)Colleague Recognition Rewards (Tigers stripes Programme)Neuro-divergent allowancesEducational assistance Programme to support colleagues in their developmentThorough onboarding induction ProgrammeDuties & Responsibilities of Cleaning Assistant:To take day-to-day responsibility for the cleanliness of the centre and to ensure this is maintained on a daily basis.Day to day childcare tasks which will be outlined in more detail upon applicationComplete all cleaning duties allocated by the centre Manager within the appropriate time scales and to the required standard.Perform other reasonable and relevant duties as may be assigned from time to time.Candidate Requirements:Candidates must have a minimum of 2 years cleaning experience preferably in a creche facility.Candidates must have knowledge of good hygiene practices.Candidates must be self-motivated and be able to identify and complete task without direct supervision.Floor washing and buffing is part of the requirement Candidates who have undertaken Manual Handling training are preferred.Candidates must provide 2 x written references and copy of qualification certificates at time of interview.Candidate details will be submitted for Garda Vetting.International Vetting required if candidate has lived outside of the jurisdiction for a period of 3 months or more.If the above job description sounds like you and you are ready to take the next step in your career please hit Apply Now below, we can't wait to hear from you!!

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