Catering Supervisor

Catering Supervisor  Monday to Thursday, 26 hours a week, 8am to 3pm, £15 per hour Fooditude is looking for a Catering Supervisor to host, manage and oversee the catering operation at a client workplace restaurant in central London. We provide a daily changing menu packed with diverse cuisines and fresh food for staff breakfast and lunches. This is the perfect role for you if you’re passionate about all things to do with food and drink!Our Catering Supervisor will provide a seamless food service, build a positive relationship with the client, and impress with their customer service skills! You’ll be garnishing and presenting the food for our boutique style buffet service. What we’re looking for:Catering experience desirablePassionate and knowledgeable about food, drink and serviceExcellent customer service skills Attention to detail and food presentationCompetent with paperwork and stock ordering We’re offering our Catering Supervisor: Salary is £20,280 per annum (£15 per hour)30 days holiday including bank holidays (pro-rata for part time)Time off at Christmas each yearEnjoy a free, delicious meal on shiftsBirthday day-offCompany pension schemeEmployee Assistance ProgrammePluxee discount platformWork for a Living Wage employer If this sounds like the role for you then please apply today with your CV. By applying for this position, you are consenting for Fooditude to receive your personal data for the purposes of the job application only. Unfortunately, due to the high number of applications received, we are only able to contact short listed candidates. Therefore, if you do not hear from us within 14 days your application has been unsuccessful and under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) your details will be deleted from our records.Fooditude’s mission is to make people happy no matter what the working day brings. Not just for our clients, but for our own colleagues too. We believe a diverse mix of minds creates an innovative space. We seek to attract and recruit people who reflect the diverse nature of our clients and communities. We select candidates based on skill, knowledge, qualifications and experience.  

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