Catering Assistant | Relief | Swords

Job Purpose:Assist the Head Chef in maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen and dining areas while following all food safety protocols. Ensure residents' privacy, dignity, and autonomy are respected in all duties.Key Responsibilities:Personal Presentation:Maintain professionalism in demeanor, attire, and hygiene.Wear company uniform and PPE as required.Follow handwashing and infection control guidelines.Kitchen Duties:Keep dishwasher and surrounding areas clean and efficient.Follow safe storage and usage of food and cleaning products.Adhere to HACCP guidelines and ensure crockery is cleaned on time.Minimize waste and rotate as needed to meet catering demands.Health & Safety:Follow infection control policies and safety protocols.Handle waste and spills safely, and apply manual handling techniques.Ensure a safe work environment for residents and staff.Report equipment defects and maintain cleanliness of all kitchen and dining equipment.Communication:Report resident welfare concerns to nursing staff.Work collaboratively with all departments.Attend team meetings and communicate effectively with management.Administration & Improvement:Complete mandatory training and attend appraisals.Stay updated on policies and contribute to personal development.Values & Confidentiality:Promote company values: competence, integrity, ethics, teamwork, and communication.Maintain confidentiality of all work-related information.Other Duties:Perform additional tasks as required within the role's scope.

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