Catering Assistant – Full Time

Catering Assistant – 39 hours per week€14.80 per hour.Beacon HospitalLocated in South Dublin, Beacon Hospital is one of the most advanced private hospitals in Europe, with over 1700 Consultants, nurses and healthcare professionals. Beacon Hospital provides 24 hour, world-class acute care services including orthopaedics, physiotherapy, cardiology, women’s health, urology, cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, plastic & reconstructive surgery, ENT, neurology, general surgery, comprehensive cancer care and emergency medicine.Overall Job Purpose:To provide exceptional patient care in an environment where quality, respect, caring and compassion are at the centre of all we do.Prepares and delivers food service with optimal nutritional care and meal service to hospital patients by performing the following duties.Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:Reads production sheets and menu cards to accurately determine items to place on tray.Sets up, assembles and serves food for patients and special function in a timely mannerWashes dishes and cleans work area, tables, cabinets, and floors using appropriate solutions and techniques.Follow HACCP guidelines and ensure that all the necessary information is being recorded accurately and efficiently.Observes infection control and HACCP policies in food handling storage, wearing gloves and proper protective equipment.Liaise with patients in a friendly manner to take care of their dietary needs, and any catering requirements they may have.Deliver professional standards of service, working together with your colleagues as part of the catering team.Candidate RequirementsPrevious working knowledge of HACCP desirableMust have at least 6 month of service as a Catering Assistant This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in light of the changing needs of the Hospital. “Beacon Hospital is an equal opportunity employer; we ensure that our practices support a diverse and inclusive environment for all present and future employees"

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