Catering Assistant

We are now hiring Catering Assistants to join our growing care team in Knockrobin Hill Care Home, Wicklow Town. The Catering Assistant will be responsible for delivering resident centered care in compliance with food safety and company policies.RequirementsCatering Assistant experience is desirable but not essential;Strong interpersonal and communication skills to effectively communicate with colleagues, residents and their families;HACCP or other food safety training is advantageous, however not essential as this training will be provided;Key ResponsibilitiesEnsure that all work is carried out while ensuring resident safety.Practice and ensure that infection control guidelines are adhered to at all times and being practiced by employees.Work cooperatively and communicate with members of the multidisciplinary team.Ensures that all incidents are reported to the Head Chef and Director of Nursing.Be professional, friendly and approachable in all interactions with residents, visitors and staff.What to ExpectAt Curam Care Homes we are committed to providing and maintaining the highest standard of person centered care and services by offering competitive benefits, encouraging life - work balance and fostering career progression opportunities for all employees. BenefitsFlexible working hoursPaid breaksPremiums paid on Sundays and Public Holidays (currently basic pay plus 15%)Christmas voucherComplementary meals provided on long day shiftsReferral bonusDiscounted uniforms (Buy one get one free)Ongoing education and training programmesCycle to work scheme with a repayment planFree Car ParkingPension Scheme (up to 4% matching)Death in Service benefitsPharmacy DiscountCommitted to providing and maintaining the highest standard of serviceThe above lists of responsibilities and benefits are not exhaustive. For all informal inquires or to request a copy of the full job description please email

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