Category Manager

Location: Birmingham / Ellesmere Hours of Work: 8.30am – 5pm, Monday – Friday (Flexibility to suit the needs of the business) Reporting to: Category ControllerThe Role:Support the team in providing proactive and regular insight that helps in the delivery of profitable growth, championing the voice of the consumer so that all business activities are built on deep knowledge of our customer, the shopper and the retail market. Key responsibilities:Develop and maintain a strong category relationship with retailer counterparts ensuring ABP is the go to in their supplier base for category supportComplete regular category deep dives and provide insight into key trends, highlighting opportunities and providing recommendations that are relevant to the retailer Monitor and communicate pricing, promotions, range and display across the market– support in gathering latest changes to be shared with our retailer Compile monthly reports using Kantar data, providing our retailer with an in-depth view of the latest market performanceDeliver timely and accurate information, ensuring that service to the customer is of the highest standard and quality at all timesSupport the NPD process with key insight that informs the customer need, correct format for the product and opportunities with execution No direct reports, only management of categoriesRole Success Factors:Trust & Respect - Everyone has a voice and is valued, treat people with dignity and respect and promote diversity & inclusion.Know the Purpose - Understand the how & why to ensure all colleagues have sight of the bigger picture and contribute to business objectives.Own it - Take responsibility for how we deliver our work and ensure we focus on solutions and make responsible decisions.Passion for Excellence - Be your best self and always strive to be better or help others be better by championing continuous improvement.Inspire Others - Be a role model by helping and inspiring others wherever possible and by leading by example.Personal specification:OrganisedHas the ability to prioritise Highly communicative Ability to influence others positively Passionate and enthusiastic Desire to engage with other ABP sites to strengthen the category function at LindenA desire for autonomy and accountability Strong eye for detail Ability to build strong relationships with counterparts in our RetailersProficient use of Excel and PowerPoint

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