Facilities Technician - Carpenter

Carpenter / Building Fabric Maintenance – MobileTeam Operations | Contract type PermanentLocation: Cork / Kerry / Tipperary - Mobile About MitieMitie provides a wide range of facilities management (FM) services across Ireland, Europe, and the UK. These are delivered as integrated FM contracts, in bundles or as single services, depending on client requirements. Our service areas include technical services, energy and building services, cleaning, security, front of house and consultancy.We work with a wide range of private and public clients to create great work environments, which resulted in Mitie winning 4 awards in the 2023 Facilities Management Awards, including Total FM Service Provider for the third year in a row. We have also won 3 awards in the Workplace Excellent awards in 2023 – Best in CSR, Manager/Leader of the Year, Excellence in Learning & Development – over 1,000 employees. Mitie have been awarded the IBEC Keep Well Mark in 2021, 2022 and 2023 for our commitment to employee wellbeing and we have also been named in the Top 100 Employers for Wellbeing in Ireland for two years in a row. We are proud of our diverse workforce and like to recognise our people through various reward and recognition schemes, as well as through learning and development.Our premise is simple: the exceptional, every day. Key responsibilities:Work within a facilities team to upkeep the facility to the highest standard possible. Fire door checks.Carry out repairs to the required safety and quality standards.Carry out all maintenance tasks as per service agreement timelines.Record and complete all work requests in a timely fashion.Provide Best in Class customer service.Adhere and lead company health and safety policies & guidelines.Comply with and implement existing business operation procedures.Take complete ownership of your working environment & systems.Ensure that service delivery meets or exceeds the requirements of SLA’s.Manage and ensure helpdesk tasks are completed and closed in timely manner.Maintain a high standard of housekeeping throughout the building.About you:Trade Qualified CarpenterBasic general maintenance skills.Basic plumbing skills.Building Maintenance skills including tiling, painting, furniture maintenance, bulb changing, lock repairs, etc.Capable of working alone and as part of a team.Ability to prioritise jobs.Good communication skills both verbal & writtenAbility to multi-task  Company benefits:Free Virtual GP ServiceMi Recognition (Thanking employees for a job well done ranging from €25 - €250)Talent Referral Scheme (Earn €100 - €3000 for referring a friend to Mitie)Company sick payMi Deals (Fantastic savings at high street stores)Long service awards (Ranging from €50-€300)10% health insurance discount for employees who join under the MITIE planA non-contributory life assurance schemePersonal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA) schemeEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP)Save as you Earn Scheme (a risk-free savings plan that allows you to buy Mitie shares at a special discount)Bike2Work SchemeTax Saver SchemeLearning & development (access to 200 courses on our L&D platform)       This job description is intended to give the post holder an appreciation of the role envisaged for this position and the range of duties undertaken. It does not attempt to detail every activity, and should be utilised as a general guide, detailing the minimum requirements and responsibilities of the position. Specific tasks and objectives will be agreed with the post holder following the appraisal process and on an as and when required basis throughout the post holder's period of employment. Mitie is an equal opportunities employer

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