
JOB SUMMARY:                          To provide an effective liaison between the employer, and tenants, to maintain the development and to ensure the correct, tenant like use and occupation of the buildings and grounds. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: CARETAKING & SECURITY1.     To inspect daily all relevant buildings, health & safety equipment, and grounds.2.     Complete monthly online inspection forms for the development.3.     Reporting to office daily on all matters concerning the developments4.     To report any repairs or defects to the Association.5.     To supervise the security and proper use of the building and its facilities.6.     To keep clean all external parts including bin sheds, communal grounds, car parks and if required the removal of rubbish from development.7.     To supervise Tuath contractors and facilitate access as required.8.     Light ground maintenance as required including litter picking, leaf collection, tending flower beds etc.9.     To assist the Housing Coordinator in the delivery of mail/leaflets.10. Carrying out minor repairs, i.e. repairing locks, replacing light bulbs, painting, carpentry work etc.11. Be responsible for daily health & safety checks on any future proposed playground.12. Be responsible for opening / closing playground or proposed walkway should these be implemented on site.13. Attend after hours’ emergencies if required/requested by Housing Services Manager.14. Any other duties as deemed necessary by Housing Services Manager TENANT CARE1.     To communicate and liaise with tenants to assist in the housing management service including attendance at meetings as required.2.     To facilitate meter readings as requested.3.     Individual must report any breaches of house rules whilst on site, i.e. Anti-social behaviour, satellite dishes etc.4.     Attend after hours’ emergencies if required/requested by Housing Services Manager.5.     Any other duties as deemed necessary by Housing Services Manager.6.     Assist the Housing Coordinator with annual unit inspections.7.     Assist with the Community Engagement initiatives.8.     Assist and support the tenant engagement officers with duties as and when required.HEALTH AND SAFETY1.     To conduct all activities in a manner which is safe to yourself and others.2.     To be aware and act in accordance with the Association’s Health and Safety Policy.3.     To ensure safety of any playground that maybe developed in time.GENERAL1.     Participate on forums/working groups/committees as required.2.     To contribute to the effective delivery of Quality Customer Orientated Service through the formulation, review and proper implementation of policies and procedures.3.     To undertake other occasional duties which are consistent with the responsibilities of the post.4.     To maintain tools and equipment in good working order and to have responsibility for ensuring adequate cleaning materials/supplies are maintained as issued.5.     Develop relationships with local Community Garda.6.     To attend training relevant to job description as and when required7.     At all times be aware of all GDPR requirements of the post.  ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTSMust have a multi-skill knowledge base and previous experience as a handyman(Plumbing, Carpentry and Painting an advantage) with a good all-round knowledge of DwellingsComputer literacy with experience that includes word-processing, e-mail, electronic schedulers and internet.Ability to work with accuracy and attention to detail and within deadlinesPossess good verbal and written communication skills, can compose letters, memos and reportsAbility to be self-motivated and work on own initiative and also be part of a teamThe ability to handle sensitive and confidential informationThe ability to identify potential risk and health and safety concernsThe ability to deal with problems/enquires in a diplomatic and sensitive manner and aware of GDPR requirements.A high level of organisational skills and the ability to prioritise workload and meet deadlinesPossess commitment to deliver a high-quality customer focused serviceThe ability to identify opportunities for continuous improvement, evaluation of optionsWillingness to work outside normal office hours on occasionsFull, clean driving licence and daily use of car. Where prevented from this due to a disability the candidate must be able to demonstrate how they will meet the mobility requirements of the post.Must be able to work on own initiativeMust have a strong work ethic and neat in appearanceClear Estate Management Minimum of two years’ experience in a similar working environment (Desirable)A background in property maintenance with a residential development would be an advantage (Desirable)This job description is not definitive or restrictive and will be subject to periodic review as deemed necessary and / or in the light of job-related developments.

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