The CompanyFounded in 2015 to address the ever-widening Digital Skills gap, Code Institute is a high growth company that has become a leader in online Ed Tech. Code Institute has developed educational programmes and certification aimed at helping people change careers into the world of software development. We employ over 55+ full-time and 40 part-time staff with a presence in Ireland, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.Join a company that has been shortlisted for Work Happy - Ireland’s Happiest Workplaces. Seeking a path to a successful career in the Ed-Tech space here in Dublin? Code Institute is one of the fastest growing online Ed-Tech companies in Europe. As part of our evolution, we are looking for a talented passionate Project Manager with exposure to the technology space.THIS TEAM: The Careers team in Code Institute is one of the five primary support pillars that our students use during their time with us on the program. They include webinars, podcasts, online events and career consultations. We are constantly adding, tailoring, tweaking and optimising the student experience - all designed with a view to achieve their professional goals and progress to working in great tech environments. We do this globally! Our hiring partners are growing on a weekly basis, and we welcome weekly guests from employer sites to contribute to our network. From a student perspective, this Career Journey commences in week one on the program remains in place right through as they move into our Alumni.THIS HIRE:Given the scope and growth of Code Institute, and the Careers function, this is a newly created role. The ultimate goal of capturing the Career Success of our graduate coders. Your work will require firstly;Main Criteria - We would like for you to have ideally 6 -12 months experience and exposure within an agency environment. A strong familiarity and love of recruitment. In addition to this, your talents should be evident in creative outlets such as writing skills, perhaps you’ve written some online blogs, or articles on LinkedIn? An effective communicator: Recruitment is the ultimate “people” focused job! Communication is key here - this means verbal, written and listening skills need to be spot on. In addition, being comfortable in both B2B and B2C audiences is of high importance. A gifted storyteller: You either are or you aren’t on this one… Organised! There’s the inevitable, and crucial, administrative expectations in this role. At a minimum you’ll be using Mailchimp, HubSpot, Zoom for webinars and involved in coordination of online events along with reporting. A really great bonus for you to have here would be some, any, experience in videography. Perhaps you did some film/media studies or have used cameras or editing software. Training will also be provided here. Day to day activities:Internally, your role will sit in Careers, and you’ll work very closely with teams such as Marketing and Community in coordinating online events, capturing content and interviews with our students and alumni, liaising with our corporate recruitment partners and hiring managers. It’s a pivotal role that will need you to have professional conversations, recognise opportunities, communicate in both a formal and informal style whilst balancing professionalism with approachability. Coordination of webinar administration. These events are weekly (more than 1!). They vary in content and complexity, and there will be approx 120 per annum. Working via our CRM system (HubSpot) on the follow up data and communication with our student base.Maintenance and management of presentation slides, images etc. High level of engagement with both students and recruitment partners. Post event evaluation, and data reporting back regularly to the Careers and Marketing teams.Working with graduates, capturing their career journey, gathering testimonials (video, podcasts etc). Working with our content team on images, logos, testimonials etc from both student and hiring partners. Engaging with the recruitment market, our hiring partners and more to continually grow the understanding and exposure of our talent pool.

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