Career School Consultant

Who is InvestIN?InvestIN Education is a dynamic educational start-up that provides the ultimate work experience programmes for students between the ages of 15-18, across 15 different industries. Founded in 2012, InvestIN's mission is to bridge the gap between school and industry, in order to help students choose the right career and maximise their potential. We have over 60,000 students from 100+ countries and 4,000+ schools attend our online and in-person experiences to date and this is only growing! Who are the Global School Partnerships team?Our Global School Partnerships Team (GSP) manage our valued school partnerships to build relationships across the globe and share information about our life-changing programmes. With over 1,300+ Partner Schools, we have supported schools with vital careers support, championing the importance of skill development in young people today. Day to day, we meet with teachers to discuss our career experiences and visit schools in person; delivering employability workshops, talking at careers fairs and running fully-comprehensive assessment centres. The strength of our school relationships lie at the heart of InvestIN, with the vast majority of our students attending our programmes based off recommendations from their teachers.  What is The Career School?The Career School (TCS) is our exciting in-school provision, which launched in the 2023/24 academic year. Schools have invested in a bespoke careers curriculum, made up of three key elements; a series of skill development modules, a place on our weekend programmes and an in-house mock assessment centre, delivered by our staff. This academic year, we are set to support 1200+ students from across the country through The Career School. About the roleThe GSP team are looking for support in the delivery of TCS this academic year. We are very excitingly opening a number of part-time positions, looking for people to take on the role of a Career School Consultant.  Your responsibilities will include: In all of the below, creating content and presentations is not included - this is purely a delivery role. All content and training on the sessions will be provided in advance. > Visiting schools throughout the academic year to deliver various Career School workshops to students between the ages of 14-18. This could include:Travelling alone and leading one of our of Skill Development Modules, typically one hour long. Travelling with a team to support on one of our assessment centre's (AC). This would typically include running a short session within the day, and assessing a maximum of 30 students.Travelling with one other member of staff to deliver half a day of Skill Development modules (3) to students. > Delivering online 1hr presentations to students, including evening work (no later than 8pm).  > Attending internal briefing calls for any ACs that you have been staffed on.  > Managing student behaviour during delivery, in a school environment with the support of teaching staff. About You:We are looking for extraverted, confident individuals, who have a passion for education and working with young people. The role is particularly great for university students, looking for well-paid and flexible part-time work alongside their studies. This is a fantastic opportunity to develop key transferable skills and make a difference.  An enthusiastic individual, with a positive and proactive attitude. A confident public speaker, who is at ease with leading a room of up to 200 students. Someone with excellent interpersonal skills, for communicating with both students and teachers. A reliable and flexible individual, who is comfortable with organising their own calendar. Hold proficiency in key softwares, including; Microsoft PowerPoint, Teams, Excel and Zoom.A strong team player, for seamless collaboration at AC days.Someone who feels a strong alignment with InvestIN's cultural values (set out below) Experience required:Working with young people (preferably between the ages of 15-18) Experience desired:Leadership of young people (preferably between the ages of 15-18)Confidence in behaviour management and having difficult conversations  Other Key Details:  Contract type: Part-time on a zero hour contract. Working schedule: Delivering The Career School on a 'shift' based schedule across the academic year 2024/25. Commitment: We ask you to commit to up to 7 days per academic term, but we cannot guarantee that you will reach that number of shifts as a minimum.Shift Confirmation: Where possible, shifts will be confirmed up to three weeks ahead of the date. Where matters of covering a shift are concerned, opportunities may come up at shorter notice.Working Location: Whilst London-based candidates are desirable, we will be looking to hire across the UK due to the widespread location of our school relationships.Salary: A flat fee of up to £100 will be paid per session, depending on a full-day/half-day workedExpenses: All travel expenses to and from schools will be covered by InvestIN. Additional expenses of up to £15 for food and drink will also be covered by InvestIN.Progression: This role offers the potential for progression into highly-competitive summer internships with InvestIN and also permanent roles upon graduation. Application Process:Applications will close on 13th September. We will respond to your application once the window closes.  Interviews will take place week commencing 16th and 23rd September. You will receive an interview task to prepare in advance. InvestIN’s Cultural ValuesExperience is Truth:We believe that to learn is to experience. Our mission is to deliver professional experiences to young people that they would otherwise consider a far-flung fantasy. This ‘experiential learning’ appeals to all the senses and requires live in-person interaction; providing a welcome counterpoint to the restrictive and atomised environment of cyberspace. Empowerment and Ownership:We treat all of our students as young professionals, not simply older schoolchildren. InvestIN empowers students by thrusting them into a whirlwind of professional-life simulation, and asking them to stand up and be counted. Along with that empowerment comes the valuable lessons of responsibility. Students are expected to take ownership of their careers immediately, as we give them detailed advice about how to plant the seeds for a successful future; starting now. Action and Urgency:InvestIN believes that success requires both action and urgency. We have been able to grow at an exponential rate because we move ideas quickly into tangible steps forward and we execute them. InvestIN’s students refuse to be left behind and want to be able to cut through abstract procrastination; becoming empowered to act with decisiveness and urgency. Ambition:InvestIN is a fervent supporter of determined ambition. We believe that young people - and whole organisations - must continue to ‘think big’ in order to achieve their potential. We therefore coach our students to believe that there are no limits to their career ambitions, and give them the tools they need to thrive. Imagination:InvestIN is not an ordinary organisation. We create interactive simulations of professional life, which requires a commitment to using our imagination to deliver extraordinary experiences for our students. At the same time, we encourage our students to imagine themselves as young professionals now, not at some distant point in the future. We have discovered that tomorrow’s achievements are born from today’s visualisation. Integrity:At InvestIN, we understand the great responsibility that we take on in coaching students. Sometimes the simplest sentence or action can have a lasting impact on a young person’s life. We insist on running our operation with the highest level of integrity: from promoting the value of hard work and satisfaction over shortcuts and monetary rewards, to constantly looking at ways to reduce our carbon footprint. 

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