Care Team Supervisor

JOB TITLE: Care Team SupervisorJob Description1. Implementation of quality control procedures2. Attending customer's first call to introduce the care worker to the customer3. To liaise closely with Rostering Care Coordinators to ensure correct customer/care worker matching for new customers.4. In the event of an existing care worker being unable to do any calls, for whatever reason, to cover those calls, until such time as the permanent care worker is able to return to work5. To do supervisions with staff and review policy and procedures6. To implement all field-based training programmes7. To ensure that all changes to care schedules are reported, without delay, to the Rostering Care Coordinators8. To maintain all reporting and recording procedures are up to date9. To liaise closely with Care Coordinators, Clinical Nurse Manager, Customers and Care Workers10. To ensure rigorous adherence to all Bluebird Care systems** It is essential that the Care Team supervisor assumes responsibility for the efficient running of Care Calls and staff are supported.11. Update and monitor Staff supervisions on One Touch our rostering and administration system12. Create new staff files and brief them on up-and-coming course that are running in-house13. Participate in training and upskilling14. Be familiar with Policy and Guidelines documentsIt is essential that Supervisor spends 50% of their working week in the field, the balance being spent in the office in order to complete their necessary administration. The Care Team Supervisor should arrange to vary their hours of work in order that they can monitor all care being provided and so that their care workers know that they are constantly being supported.They should be seen to be playing a supportive role by the care workers and customers.JOB SPECIFICATION EssentialExperience of service provision in the care professionClean driving LicenceExperience in the Health Care industry and having worked as a Health Care Assistant for more than 2yrs and relevant qualifications, such as QQI Level 6 and above in Management, Supervisor or Nursing Degree.DesirableCare management experienceKey Competencies1. A first-class communicator and team player2. To understand and implement quality control procedures3. To be able to implement and maintain recording and reporting system4. To be able to establish and maintain effective working relationships5. To be able to prepare reports as required6. To understand and implement customer assessment, care worker-customer introductions, Staff Supervisions and care worker-customer quality control systems and procedures7. To be able to liaise Professionally and effectively with office staff8. To be able to implement all field-based training9. To be able to report and feedback to office staff and other professionals10. To be able to prioritize and organise own workload effectively11. To have a good working knowledge of Health and Safety and other legal factorsSpecial Skills and AttributesExcellent communication skillsGood administrative skills and computer literacyGood planning and organisational skillsSound understanding of good care principlesSkills in care planningSUMMARY OF POST: Responsible for the efficient running of the care packages and making sure that all care plans are delivered to a high standard. To work closely with Health Care Workers and offer them support and advice around their roles. To implement company policy and procedures and ensure that supervisions are being made. To be a good team player but be able to work on own initiative. The Care Team Supervisor should divide their time between office and road weekly.Contact: 061-481208Email: / jasonkenny@bluebirdcare.ieJob Type: Full-timePay: €40,000.00-€50,000.00 per yearBenefits:Bike to work schemeSick payWellness programSchedule:Monday to FridayLanguage:English (required)Work Location: In personApplication deadline: 13/01/2025Reference ID: Care Team Supervisor

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