Care Team Leader

Care Team LeaderAre you seeking a meaningful career where your Christian faith can be integrated into your everyday work? Look no further!Pilgrims' Friend Society (PFS) is a Registered Charity with over two centuries of history, dedicated to providing Christian care and support. Our approach, known as "The Way we Care," is person-centred, valuing each person as precious and made in God’s image. We are committed to providing holistic care and support, ensuring the well-being and happiness of the people we care for, or we call them "family members".You will have a key role in helping to serve our older Christians and in leading a motivated and committed care team. This talented individual will possess the experience and skills to provide a first class service that supports the care team to do an excellent job.Emmaus House is a charming care home situated in North Yorkshire that provides 22 residential care places, all with en-suite facilities. View our home here.  Responsibilities:Provide the highest standard of professional care;Supervise and support all care staff, fostering a compassionate and collaborative work environment;Deputise for the Manager in their absence;Manage the care and well-being of all the family members, including hands-on personal care when required;Embracing the values of "The Way we Care," treating every family member with dignity and respect.Provide holistic end-of-life care with a focus on spiritual and emotional well-being.Manage medications and medication systems;For more details, please take a look at the Job Description About you:A committed Christian, passionate about integrating faith into your work;Experience working as a supervisor in a care home or similar environment;Level 3 or above Health & Social Care Qualification or equivalent;Experience in end-of-life care and working with older people;Skilled in leadership, able to motivate and encourage others;Computer literate: familiar with electronic care plan systems;Able to work under pressure and provide calmness in all situations; andYou are willing to be flexible in your working pattern and are prepared to participate in training and attend relevant staff meetings.For more details, please take a look at the Person Specification.   *Applicants must be evangelical Christians (This role has an Occupational Requirement to be filled by a Christian under the provisions of the Equality Act (2010).).Hours:35 hours per week with alternate Saturday shifts. (includes office days and on floor shifts)Bank holiday and “on call” cover is required on a rotating basis to meet demands. Please get in touch for more information about working patterns. Benefits:5 Weeks' paid holiday per year as well as bank and public holidaysPerkbox – including an Employee assistance programme.Being part of our friendly staff teamWe offer a full induction to the work and a comprehensive onboarding processOn-going training and supportCare FriendsPension schemeCare Friends referral Long-standing service rewardsBirthday rewards — What our staff say about us: …“It is a friendly and welcoming place to work” … —Pilgrims’ Friend Society is a registered charity. Our Christian ethos is central to everything we plan and do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds.Please note: this vacancy may close sooner if sufficient applications have been received so please apply as soon as possible if interested.

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