Care Coordinator Portlaoise

Job descriptionGuided by Nurse Managers across 25 offices in Ireland, Bluebird Care has revolutionised Home Care delivery. Clinical Nurse Managers offer exceptional support and training to Healthcare Assistants, significantly enhancing the lives of our clients.The Care Coordinator will assist the Clinical Nurse Manager and Supervisor in fulfilling the goals and objectives of Bluebird Care, while also upholding the quality of service delivered to our clients by adhering to Bluebird Care's policies and procedures.They will aid the Care Manager and Supervisor in maintaining close communication with the HSE, clients and their families, health professionals, and other agencies involved in the training and development of the service. Additionally, they will collaborate with our Care Assistants to address daily queries.Benefits includeCompetitive annual salaryEmployee Assistance Program20 days Annual holidays plus bank holidaysContinuous training and developmentMon to Fri - 9 to 5LaptopPhoneBike to Work schemeThe role's objective is to serve as a liaison for our frontline personnel and clients. You will oversee the designated area, ensuring that your team receives adequate support and that your clients are provided services in a secure, empathetic, and caring manner.- Schedule completion and hours distribution for the Care Team on a weekly basis via our Time Management system.- Collaborate with the Care Management Team to match clients with suitable carers.- Oversee sick leave and arrange for necessary coverage.- Respond to any inquiries from families or clients about their care.- Record any incidents following company protocols.- Carry out additional tasks as needed.- Experience in the Care sector.- A Healthcare or Social Care qualification is preferred.- Ability to work under pressure, manage personal workload, and collaborate with a team.- Must be proactive, enthusiastic, and energetic, with excellent communication, relationship-building, problem-solving, organizational, and decision-making skills.- Eligibility to work in the Republic of Ireland is required.Job Types: Full-time, PermanentPay: €30,000.00-€35,000.00 per yearAdditional pay:Performance bonusBenefits:Profit sharingSick paySchedule:Monday to FridayWork Location: In person

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