Care Coordinator - Ballybane Galway

Care Coordinator – Ballybane GalwayReports to: Care Manager We are recruiting on behalf of our Client, one of Ireland's fastest growing Homecare Companies for the role of a Care Coordinator for their new Galway Office located at Ballybane. The Role;·        Ensuring carer navigation is implemented through their CRM System·        Covering all unassigned shifts with suitably qualified carers·        Managing holiday and sick leave applications to ensure that there is adequate cover available·        Provide support to the Care Manager·        Conducting Spot Checks and Assessments·        Be that friendly voice on the other end of the phone for carers, clients and their families·        Attend weekly team meeting·        Focusing on continuous improvement in scheduling·  Oncall duty required as per rota·        Other ad-hoc duties that may arise within the Company Experience and Qualifications·        Must have full QQI level 6 in Healthcare, ·        Have exceptional communication skills·        Must be able to work as part of a team and on own initiative·        Have full drivers’ license and transport·        At least 1 years’ experience in a Homecare setting·        Must have excellent report writing skills·        Must have excellent attention to detail·        Must be confidential/discreet Benefits·        Employee Assistance Programme·        Supportive and friendly working environment·        Be part of a growing team·        Competitive Salary

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