Care Coordinator

J C Michael groups require an experienced Care Coordinator for our Brent BranchResponsibilitiesTo ensure the day-to-day operation of the Home Care Service business, involving direct line management for a team of Care Workers and Healthcare Assistants.Processing referrals. This specifically involves carrying out initial visits to assess Service Users’ Care Plans and undertake risk assessments, inputting Service Users’ details onto the system and allocating Care Workers/Healthcare Assistants to Service Users.To participate as required in the multi-disciplinary assessment of Service User needs and the subsequent planning of Service User care.Prepare rotas for staff to meet service delivery, utilising the manual and electronic systems in place.To liaise as needed with external professional care organisations (CPNs, chiropodists, GPs and other nursing professionals) in respect of developing a total package of care for a Service User.To line manage Care Workers and Healthcare Assistants and undertake supervisions and appraisals.To carry out on the job supervisions for Care Workers and Healthcare Assistants under guidance from the Manager.To deal with day to day enquiries and provide support and advice to Care Workers and Healthcare Assistants, often via phone calls.To hold the out of hours emergency phone on a rota basis.To support the Manager to implement any service improvement programme this may be identified through internal audit or external inspection.To maintain timely contact with carers regarding planned workload and accurately notifying the manager of any changes to this.To assist in training and continual development of all carer and external candidates.To undertake personal training and development to increase efficiency in the position.To make advertising phone calls in order to increase J.C.Michael Groups Ltd. client’s base.To utilise the IT work allocation system daily to organise staff rota.To maintain accurate and timely records on the IT system to ensure the smooth running of the service, providing data reports for the Manager and other Line Managers as requested.To maintain the availability of Care Workers and Healthcare Assistants.To maintain quality control under the guidance and direction of the Manager.To assist the Manager in ensuring service complies with standards and laid down in the Care Act 2014, and meets requirements for registration.To monitor staff adherence to organisations policy and procedures, correcting any problems or deviations from procedure and reporting gross deviation to Manager.To support the Manager in training delivery or staff coaching.To participate on all duties as required to meet the needs of the business.To contribute and work effectively as part of a team.To engage in training activities to maintain an up to date professional knowledge and skill to the standard required of the post holder and reflecting the developments in the field.To provide cover during absence for the manager Any other duties, commensurate with skill and position in organisation, as delegated by the Manager.To provide written reports of all complaints, accidents, incidents, and untoward events in accordance with written Policies.To keep abreast of all new developments in Health Care, and of the philosophies and policies as needed.To ensure that the day-to-day care services are operated in accordance with the latest Health & Safety legislation.To participate in Staff, Team and Quality Management Review Meetings as directed by the Director.To hold the office phone mobile phone.To network and increase the company client base.Person SpecificationMust have computer literacy and working knowledge of Microsoft Office.Ability to work unsupervised.Ability to work as part of a team.Ability to multi-task.Ability to plan and organise time.RequirementsMinimum NVQ2 in Health and Social care and or working towards NVQ3.3 years’ experience of working within the care sector.

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