Care Assistant Residential

Purpose of the Role:The Care Assistant is responsible for providing day-to-day personal care and support for the learners of Delta Centre. The Care Assistant must have the desire and the belief that the person with an intellectual disability has something unique, equal, and important to offer society.  The Care Assistant, in co-operation with Management, will be responsible for ensuring that the person/s we support have good, high quality, safe, meaningful, and inclusive lives. Demonstrate empathy towards Learners:Get to know each Learner in your care.Pay attention to each Learner in your care.Pay Attention to ‘cues’ in their behavior-read them and follow behavior support plans where relevant.Be patient Review and put into practice the details of Care Plans and Person-Centered Plans for each Learner. Review, regularly, all protocols of care for each Learner in your care.Understand and facilitate Learners needs through the use of appropriate communication systems.Assist each individual in reaching the maximum potential in independence, communication, and personal development.Establish trust relationships through consistency of care. Adhere to all Delta Centers Policies, Procedures, Employee Handbook and working practices. Personal Profile:Education & Training:A FETAC Level 5 qualification in Health Care is a requirement for this position. Experience:Experience in the field of health care is essential.Proven competence in the care and support of adults with intellectual disabilities and a genuine interest in this area is required. Knowledge & Skills:A sound knowledge and proven ability to interpret and apply legislation such as The National Standards for Adults with Disabilities.Applicants must have excellent communication skills and be highly motivated.Excellent record-keeping skills are required.Proven ability to develop positive relationships with a variety of stakeholders.Flexible and adaptable natureShift work over 24/7.Desired Quality:A Full Clean Driving LicenceBenefitsCompany PensionEmployee Assistance Programme (EAP)Working hours over a 7 day roster involving shift workContinuous Professional DevelopmentBike to work SchemeBi-Weekly Salary

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