Care Assistant (relief, full time and part time hours)

We are currently recruiting for Care Assistants to assist our team. Are you a Nursing or Social Care student looking for summer work? We are also recruiting for full time and part time staff as vacancies have arisen due to the Increasing needs of the service supporting adults and children with an intellectual disability.  Saint John of God Kerry Services provides a range of programmes and services for adults and children with an intellectual disability throughout the Kerry region. We have units throughout Kerry, including Killarney (Beaufort), Killorglin, Listowel and Tralee. Please note the initial assignment is based on campus in Beaufort, Co. Kerry. A person-centered approach to service delivery is promoted in accordance with the Organisations values and ethos and in keeping with its commitment to the continuing development of community based services. The role is over a 7 day period with rotating rosters for day, evening and night shifts. If you are looking for an exciting new challenge, to learn and share best practice in the industry, this role might be of interest.  The successful candidate requires:Certificate in Healthcare Support at FETAC Level 5 or Completed their first year of Nursing, or their second year of Social CareHe/she supports and assists in all activities of daily living in line with the needs and wishes of the individual as outlined in an agreed care plan.Acting as an advocate for residents and promoting social interaction with the community.Demonstrate excellent communication (both verbal and written), organisational skills, flexibility and commitment.Must have a full clean driver’s license for a manual vehicle, D license would be an advantage.Please note that salaries are paid in line with HSE Consolidated Salary Scales. Additional premiums for working unsocialable hours, night duty and weekends.Generous annual leave entitlements and participation in the public service pension. On the job Training included. Opportunities for development and career progression Shortlisting and InterviewingApplicants may be shortlisted based on the information supplied in the Curriculum Vitae. Interviews will take place in June. A panel may be formed from this campaign from which further vacancies which may arise during the lifetime of the panel will be filled.Saint John of God Community Services CLG is an equal opportunities employer. Hospitality ~ Compassion ~ Respect

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