Care Assistant / Driver- Balbriggan

Prosper Fingal, is a community-based organisation that provides a wide range of health-related and social services to adults with intellectual disabilities and autism. Join our wonderful team and provide support to adults with intellectual disabilities in North County Dublin, helping them to reaching their full potential and connect with their communities. Position: Care Assistant – ResidentialLocation: Balbriggan, Co. DublinHours: Circa 20 hours per week - Split shift Roster: 8:30am-10:30am and 2:30pm-4:30pm (Monday to Friday)Contract: PermanentSalary: €15,502 to €22,414 per annum (commensurate with experience) About the Role:Prosper Fingal is currently in search of a qualified Care Assistant/ Driver to join our dedicated and skilled Residential team in Balbriggan, Co. Dublin. Our team is highly responsive and committed to providing high-quality residential care to the individuals we support. As a Care Assistant at Prosper Fingal, your primary mission is to empower the individuals we support to lead lives of their own choosing. You will work tirelessly to equip them with the necessary skills to achieve independence and actively participate in their community. Throughout your role, you will uphold our core values, which include delivering services that are marked by respect, progressiveness, professionalism, and positivity. Essential Requirements:Applicants must have a QQI level 5 qualification in health and social care or equivalent.Prior experience of working in disability servicesKnowledge of HIQA Standards would be advantageous.A full clean manual driving licence is also an essential requirement for this position, this role requires driving our service uses in our vehicles Working with Prosper provides excellent terms and conditions including:Generous Annual LeaveSick Pay SchemePensionEmployee Assistance ProgrammeMaternity Leave Allowance* (subject to length of service)Training / CPDCycle to Work SchemeCareer Progression OpportunitiesSuperb facilitiesPositive work environments Premium shift allowances / payments   If you have a relevant qualification along with a full, clean manual driving licence and are willing to work flexibly in an environment that upholds the highest of standards, we would like to hear from you. Prosper Fingal is an Equal Opportunities Employer

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