Care Assistant (Days & Nights) - Northwick Grange Care Home

Clarendon Care Group Ltd is a forward thinking and growing organisation with established residential and nursing homes across the Midlands. We pride ourselves on providing our residents with the highest standards of care by employing the best people.Northwick Grange Care Home are looking for CARE ASSISTANTS for DAYS & NIGHTS, to join our friendly and dedicated team who share our company values and commitment to our residents who call Northwick ‘Home’Benefits:Free uniformContributory Pension schemePaid mandatory training5.6 weeks annual leave*On-site parkingCareer progressionFunded training opportunities*Refer a friend scheme **Terms applyAs a CARE ASSISTANT some of your daily duties will be to provide all aspects of personal care, offer emotional support, assist at meal times and encourage residents to take part in stimulating activities. As the NIGHT CARE ASSISTANT some of your duties will be to provide personal care, assist residents to bed, completing hourly checks and preparing the home for the day ahead.We will support you in every step of your Care Assistant duties by providing training and career development therefore, experience is not always necessary. We ask that you have the desire to care, can show empathy towards our elderly residents and want to progress your career within this rewarding field.Do you have what it takes to be a CARE ASSISTANT?Compassion, care and commitmentExcellent communication skills.A caring and friendly nature.The ability to work well within a team and under pressure.If this is you and you want to join a successful and growing organisation, we look forward to hearing from you.An enhanced DBS will be required, the cost of which will be met by Clarendon Care Group Ltd, subject to terms and conditions.If you are invited to interview for this position you will be asked to fill in our application form and provide proof of your eligibility to work in the UK.

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