Care and Support Worker – Sherborne

Care and Support Worker or Care Professional? Do you live near Sherborne, Yeovil or Gillingham?The JobWe currently have opportunities for both full and part-time Care and Support Workers or Care Professionals (up to 35 hrs a week) in Sherborne and the surrounding area for our Sherborne branch.About Candlelight CareCandlelight Care is a family-run company offering homecare and live-in care services in Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire and East Sussex. With a Head Office in Glastonbury, Somerset, it has been caring for people of all ages in their own homes for over 30 years. Candlelight Care has been recognised as a Top 20 Recommended Home Care Group in the UK for 2019 by for Care and Support Workers£300 welcome bonusSmart PhoneFull trainingPaid travel timemileage allowanceRewarding work that allows you to have a meaningful impact on othersHaving a desire to see your clients flourish and remain independent within their own homeBreaking the ice with a new client and putting a smile on their faceCalming down an anxious client who may not recognise their surroundingsEarning the trust of a clients family to help a loved oneExperiencing the joys of using your skills to help others live happier lives.Your responsibilitiesAs a Care and Support Worker your responsibilities will include:Getting to know your clients and their interests and needsGiving emotional and practical support to your clientsAssisting with personal care (washing, toileting, dressing, food preparation, medication, etc.)Supporting family with new caring responsibilitiesWorking with other social care professionals to provide personalised care and development plansRequirementsSensitivity and understandingThe ability to work well with othersPatience and the ability to remain calm in stressful situationsThe ability to accept criticism and work well under pressureTo be thorough and pay attention to detailCustomer service skillsA desire to help peopleExcellent verbal communication skillsTo be able to carry out basic tasks on a computer or hand-held deviceThank you for your interest in working for Candlelight Care.Once we receive your application, we will be in touch!

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