Cardiothoracic Registrar

Cardiothoracic Registrar Opportunity at Mater Private NetworkThe Mater Private Network is seeking a highly motivated and qualified Cardiothoracic Registrar to join our team. We offer a fast-paced and rewarding environment where you can contribute to our mission of delivering best-in-class treatment, surgery, and care to all our patients. This role is for an immediate start.Why Choose Mater Private Network?Work alongside renowned Cardiothoracic Consultants: Learn from the best and contribute to a collaborative environment focused on patient well-being.Make a real difference: Play a vital role in providing high-quality cardiothoracic care.Continuous learning and development: Opportunities to advance your skills and knowledge.Who We Are Looking For:A minimum of 2 years of registrar experience in Thoracic Surgery.Full registration with the Irish Medical Council.Excellent clinical skills and a commitment to patient-centered care.Strong communication and collaboration abilities.What You Will Do:Assist and support Cardiothoracic Consultants in delivering exceptional patient care.Participate in daily ward rounds and actively manage patient cases.Document patient findings clearly and efficiently.Assist in the operating room and develop a strong understanding of surgical protocols.Contribute to the overall success of the Cardiothoracic team.Ready to take the next step?For more information about the Mater Private Network, please visit our website at Private Network is an equal opportunity employer.

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