Car Fitter - Dublin Airport

BestDrive are experts in automotive parts repair including tyres, brakes, exhausts and much more, as well as offering a robust car servicing and Pre-NCT checking facility. With over 30 branches across Ireland, we are a Continental Company. We aim to be fully digitalized offering the best technical/software equipment available on the Market.  Company:                   BestDrive Job Title:                     Tyre Fitter Reports to:                  Supervisor/Manager Job Purpose:The Car Fitter is responsible to for all correct fitting of brakes/pads/tyres etc...... on customer vehicles..Key Tasks Required:Repairing and replacing customer's tires as needed Replacing Brake/Pads and completing basic car serviceReplacing wheels using the torque wrench to achieve final tightening of wheel nutsUndertaking full inspection before hand-over to customerUsing materials, parts and equipment in an efficient mannerFull compliance with all safety procedures/truck operations essential safety stepsEnsuring own vehicle is kept clean, with adequate stock and is serviced when necessaryAdhering fully to the Company's operations manualMaintain positive working relationships with colleagues and customersUnderstand and adhere to all the Company policies and procedures/operations manualEssential Requirements:Minimum of 1 year experience in a similar roleMust have some level of car service experienceFull Clean Driving Licence essentialRewards and Conditions:·        Basic salary - neg·        Twenty-one days annual leave (increases with service)·        Unlimited Potential Bonus Scheme·        Life Assurance·        Trainee Branch Manager Program·        Promotional Opportunities·        Wrkit discount card·        Employee Assistance Program·        ATA/SMT Accreditation with IMI and Motor Technician Specific Training Courses available·        Virtual Academy available with TIPs program·        Discounted Toolboxes and loans available·        Training in Brakes, TPMS, Clutches etc.

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