Canteen Chef

About the Company ABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe. We are a food business that specialises in the supply and development of award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.Role Definition:This role will be responsible for preparing and cooking meals for staff breaks and working along side canteen team to deliver hot meals in a timely, safe and hygienic manner for employees. The role also includes ensuring the canteen is kept clean, meal planning and ordering and stocking supplies.Duties and Responsibilities• Provide a happy, supportive and productive canteen environment, where customers feel valued and welcome• Follow safe working practices at all times• Collect, count, receive and submit money within established internal control     guidelines• Observe internal controls relating to delivery/pick up of goods and signoff of invoices• Strictly adhere to quality, food safety, hygiene, ethical and allergen handling processes• Adhere to traceability process and ensure product & labelling integrity at all times• Comply with company policies and procedures, standards of operation and safe operating procedures•Provide flexibility to meet company operating requirements• Provide supportive communication to team members, peers and managers• Food preparation and presentation to ensure high-quality dishes, monitoring wastage and portion control• Monitor and manage stock levels, sensible approach to ordering supplies• Maintain accurate records of inventory, orders, and food preparation processes and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirementsQualifications, Experience and Personal Qualities:• Speaking, writing and understanding good spoken and written English• Good numeracy skills• Attentive to detail• Flexible, adaptable, keen to learn and support others’ learning• Strong and effective team leader• Accreditation Food Hygiene equivalent at minimum level 2• Relate in a warm and professional manner with patrons• Proven ability to provide effective food and hygiene service

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