Clinical Nurse Specialist/Candidate CNS (Infection, Prevention & Control)

Clinical Nurse Specialist/CNSCandidate Clinical Nurse Specialist/cCNS(Infection, Prevention & Control)Permanent, Full TimeThe post-holder is professionally accountable to the Director of Nursing of Mercy University Hospital.The post holder will report to an Assistant Director of Nursing. Responsibilities - The post holder will be responsible for;Have responsibility for the monitoring, surveillance, the investigation, prevention and control of Hospital Acquired Infections.Investigate outbreaks of infection with particular reference to their source and mode of spread. Report outbreaks to relevant department.Advise on isolation techniques and supporting line managers in supervising the implementation of such techniques in specific situations.Participate in teams/meetings/committees as appropriate, communicating and working in co-operation with the other team members.Communicate, negotiate, and represent patient’s family and/or carer values and decisions in relation to their condition in collaboration with MDT colleagues in both Primary and Secondary Care as appropriate.Develop and support the concept of advocacy, particularly in relation to patient participation in decision making, thereby enabling informed choice of treatment options.Maintain clinical competence in patient management within infection prevention and control, keeping up to date with relevant research to ensure the implementation of evidence-based practice.Provide the patient, family and/or carer with appropriate information and other supportive interventions to increase their knowledge, skill, and confidence in managing their condition.Contribute to the design, development and implementation of education programmes and resources for the patient, family and/or carer in relation to infection prevention and control thus empowering them to self-manage their condition.Conduct on-going surveillance using appropriate Infection prevention & Control (PIC) criteria, documentation, and investigation of Hospital Associated Infections (HCAIs) through review of admission diagnoses, microbiology culture results, isolation orders, patient records, consultation requests, and post-discharge surveillance.Regularly collate and record relevant data and information/compile and interpret surveillance reports to the IPC Committee. Eligibility Criteria:CNS Eligibility Criteria:Be a registered nurse/midwife on the active Register of Nurses and Midwives held by An Bord Altranais and Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or be eligible to be so registered. ANDBe registered in the division(s) of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann) Register for which the application is being made or be entitled to be so registered. ANDHave a minimum of 1 years’ post registration full time experience or an aggregate of 1 years’ full time experience in the division of the register in which the application is being made ANDHave a minimum of 1 years’ experience or an aggregate of 1 years’ full time experience in specialist area of Infection Control.ANDHave successfully completed a post registration programme of study, as certified by the education provider which verifies that the applicant has achieved a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic Level 9 or higher award that is relevant to the specialist area of care (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008). Alternatively provide written evidence from the Higher Education Institute that they have achieved the number of ECTS credits equivalent to a Level 9 or higher standard, relevant to the specialist area of care (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above), and in line with the requirements for specialist practice as set out by the National Council for Nursing and Midwifery 4th ed (2008).ANDBe required to demonstrate that they have continuing professional development (CPD) relevant to the specialist area. ANDHave the ability to practice safely and effectively fulfilling his/her professional responsibility within his/her scope of practice Candidate CNS Eligibility Criteria:Be a registered nurse/midwife on the active Register of Nurses or Midwives held by An Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or be eligible to be so registered.AndHave successfully completed a post registration programme of study, as certified by the education provider, which verifies that the applicant has achieved a Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) major academic Level 9 or higher award relevant to the specialist area of Infection Prevention & Control.OrIf the applicant does not possess the relevant QQI NFQ. Level 9 qualification, the applicant will be supported to undertake the required postgraduate education, at QQI NFQ level 9 qualification (equivalent to 60 ECTS or above) relevant to the specialist area. (Please note, Level 8 educational qualification will be recognised until September 2026)AndHave a minimum of 1 year’s post registration full time experience or an aggregate of 1 years full time experience in the general division of nursing.AndHave a minimum of 1 years’ experience or an aggregate of 1 year’s full-time experience in the specialist area.OrIf the applicant does not possess the relevant specialist experience, they will be supported to attain one year’s clinical specialist experience.AndDemonstrate evidence of continuing professional development relevant to the specialist area or will be supported to obtain the required CPD.AndHave the ability to practice safely and effectively fulfilling his/her professional responsibility within his/her scope of practice All of the above must be achieved within 2 years for this pathway.Please note the payscales for the Candidate CNS are €53,898 - €63,474   Closing date for applications is 1pm Wednesday 8th May 2024The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled.

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