Calling all Electricians

Join Our Team as an Electrician and Make a Difference! We are currently growing our team and are recruiting in the following areas:PrestonHampshireBristolMilton Keynes About Us: At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental and energy infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimizing operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients. What makes us a great employer?  Purpose-Driven Impact: As an approved electrician, you will be required to carry out a wide range of electrical duties ranging from service and response & breakdown works through to new build installations which will be mostly in the commercial & industrial sectors with a more specific focus into hazardous areas which will also result in working & staying away as required.Growth and Development: Join an ambitious team that values your growth. We offer extensive training, career advancement opportunities, and a chance to expand your skill set. Wellness and Support: We care about your well-being. Enjoy competitive compensation, life assurance, unlimited access to our mental health support and Medicash, our health care cash plan for you and up to four dependants.Dynamic Culture: Our workplace is more than just a job – it's a community. Experience a fun, can-do culture where your contributions matter. Benefits Package- Enhanced maternity & paternity leave and pay, private pension, internal referral scheme & learning and development funded courses.  Your Responsibilities: Work at various locations throughout the UK undertaking new electrical installation works.Carry out a selection of minor civil/construction duties such as clearing cable routes, making holes in walls to enable you to carry out your electrical installation works.Testing of newly installed circuits/cabling and recording of results.Completion on test certification efficiently and submit for approval from the qualifying manager.Assist other Engineers as and when required.Responsibility for ensuring all equipment checks is undertaken prior to commencing any works.Ensure all uplifting and offloading of materials is undertaken in the correct and compliant manner with high regard for health and safety and correct working practices.Responsibility for ensuring the security of all Company equipment.Works to be carried out in accordance with health and safety to include provided RAMS documentation. The postholder holds full responsibility for reading and signing such documentation. The postholder will also be responsible for identifying repair work required.Liaison with customers on site to discuss on-going works and further services of the Company.Completion of all works paperwork and submission in a timely manner to divisional staff.Liaison with Line manager / office staff regarding all works and recommending improvements of possible opportunities.Any other duties for which the postholder is qualified for and capable of undertaking.  Qualifications and Skills:  Must possess current legal Driving licence.Previous knowledge and experience of completing RAMS documentation.Willingness to undertake any additional training to increase capability of the division in supplying a service to customers.C&G 2330 or equivalent.NVQ3.Test & Inspection.Right to work in the UK. Why Choose Adler and Allan: By becoming a part of the Adler and Allan Group, you’ll embark on a rewarding journey where we truly value your ideas and contributions. Whether you're just starting your career or in search of a new challenge, we offer a platform for personal growth and professional advancement, enabling you to shape a successful and fulfilling career path. Our group includes Jet Aire, Detectronic, Aqua Consultants, Oneline, Flotech, KwikFlow, AMGS, and OHES.

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