Café / Kitchen Assistant

Kiltipper Woods Care Centre - Dublin 24 We are currently looking to recruit a full-time Café / Kitchen Assistant to join our highly motivated and focused Café and Kitchen Team. Kiltipper Woods Care Centre provides a comprehensive range of specialist nursing care, rehabilitation and convalescence care. Winner in the Irish Healthcare Awards 2018 and 2019.Main duties and responsibilities include:Responsible for the smooth operation of the coffee shop.Maintain comprehensive menu, and ensure customer satisfactionTo ensure all procedures (HACCP, Health & Safety and Food Safety Management) are maintained to the required standards, including food temperatures, date recordings, correct storage of foodCleaning and preparation of the Coffee Shop and outside eating area to ensure a high-quality service is delivered to all customersTo be creative and assist in dish and menu development and planning. Participates in evaluating new recipes and productsTo be creative in the presentation of food and dishesTo participate in the organization of ordering, cost control and wastage of foodTo implement and follow strict rules of personal hygieneParticipates in the preparation of food and beverages following standardised recipes and proceduresEstimates food needs for the coffee shop on a daily basisReplenishing food and beverage levels throughout the day as appropriate Preparing and serving hot and cold dishes, sandwiches and confectioneriesPlans and maintains the storage and use of leftover and uncooked foodEnsure adequate stock of crockery, cutlery and napkinsThe ideal candidate will have:Ability to work efficiently and keep calm under pressureStamina and enthusiasmAbility to work well in a teamGood communication skillsHigh standards of personal hygienePassionate interest in food and cateringFood Hygiene Training is desirableMust possess a valid work permitBenefits:A modern state-of-the-art facilityA pleasant working environmentRelaxed atmosphereComprehensive Induction programmeEarliest start is 7:00 amLatest finish 5:30 pmOngoing training opportunitiesStaff discount in CaféFree onsite parkingKiltipper Woods Care Centre is an equal opportunity employer.

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