Butchery Trimmer (Backshift)

About the CompanyABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe. We are a food business that specialises in the supply and development of award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.Role DefinitionThe butchery trimmer will ensure that targets are met and regularly challenged and improved on. Delivering high standards of quality, ensuring products are produced in line with customer specification as well as critical control points, GMP and health and safety requirements. Paying special regard to quality, cost control, yield and utilizationhealth, safety and ethicstraceabilityproduct integritycompany, personal and food hygiene rules and legislationIn chill production line area, using butchery implements and machinery, cut, bone, process and package goods to quality standard, to deadlines, whilst complying with company operating requirements at all times. Ensuring that beef and lamb cuts are trimmed according to ABP and customer specifications as directed by management.Key Responsibilitiesensuring meat is trimmed to produce optimum production yield while adhering to legislation and company requirements and in line with planned volume and scheduleremoval of fat, gristle and other waste material in line with specificationsworking as part of a team and taking responsibility for own workensure strict adherence to quality, food safety, hygiene, ethical and allergen handling processesdrive necessary line efficiency through consistent and correct machine and/or knife operationkeep and maintain records as requiredensure own familiarity and compliance with company policies and procedures, standards of operation and safe operating proceduresensure consistent and timely attendanceprovide flexibility to meet company operating requirementsprovide pro-active and re-active and supportive communication to team members, supervisors and managersensure all products are sources and manufactured to the food safety and brand integrity requirements defined by our customers and BRC standardsPerson Specificationspeaking, writing and understanding basic English language (essential health and safety, traceability and quality control requirement)demonstrate the ability to follow detailed operating procedures with a high degree of attention to details.ability to follow instructions including those relating to personal health and safety and the wearing of PPEknife and cutting tool skillsprevious red meat experience preferredawareness of food safetyability to show some knowledge of red meat in terms of cuts and trimmingattention to detailquickly, cleanly and efficiently processing food items in production line team

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