Butchery Operative (Retail Division)

We currently have the following vacancy:Process Operative - Butchery (Retail)ABP Linden is a major beef and lamb processor based in Dungannon, Northern Ireland. The company serves major retailers with ranges of retail products, and is heavily involved in developing new products for the retail, manufacturing and food service markets.  Scope of the jobTo carry out a variety of duties including skilled trimming to customer specifications, operating machinery and general production work. Job Role·      Carrying out boning, slicing and trimming operations to customer orders and specifications.·      Operating machinery·      Ensuring hygiene standards are adhered to at all times·      Packing and stacking of product·      On-line quality control·      General production work REQUIREMENTS: Previous butchery experience with excellent knife skillsFood Hygiene Certificate is desirable, not essential.Ability to work using your own initiative or as part of a team.Ability to communicate in English is essential.Must have ability and be willing to work hours as required and work whatever days required including evenings and weekends, in line with department shift rota. This may include early morning starts i.e. 6am. Have a willingness to learn and the ability to work as part of a team.Able and willing to work in a fast paced and cold factory environmentFor further information, and an application form, please contact: Human Resources Department at Linden Foods LtdGranville Industrial Estate, Dungannon Co.Tyrone BT70 1QG  Email: hr@lindenfoods.com ABP LINDEN  IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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