Business Support Executive (Western People/Roscommon Herald)

About us:Founded in 1859 and now part of The Irish Times Regional Group, the Roscommon Herald is the only paid-for newspaper dedicated to the towns and county of Roscommon.Published each Tuesday, it provides a full range of news including courts, councils and community reporting across the entire county, highlight what is good about Roscommon, reporting on the concerns of the people of Roscommon and being one of Roscommon’s biggest campaigners and supporters.Founded in 1883, the Western People is an all-inclusive, caring and informative newspaper with an unwavering commitment to the communities of the West of Ireland.Job Description:The Business Support Executive will work across the Western People and Roscommon Herald playing a key part in developing and growing our digital and social reach. The role entails direct contact with newsagents, monitoring stock levels, immediately replacing any missing parcels and undertaking instore promotions. The successful candidate will help organise, run and manage marketing activities for both titles. They will also be the main lead for group credit control and act as general business support for our administrative functions.This is a customer-facing role and is primarily an on-the-road job across counties Mayo and Roscommon with some office based duties. The remuneration package includes a company van. Desired Skills and Experience:Full Driving Licence Flexible Approach to Working HoursExcellent Communication and Interpersonal SkillsBenefits:Company Pension ContributionIncome Continuance CoverCompany VanSick Leave PayDigital Subscriptions to Group PublicationsBike to Work Scheme

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