Business Support Administrator

Business Support Administrator LeedsFull time/Permanent Competitive Salary plus benefitsAre you a pro at multitasking and keeping things in order? As a key member of Jet Aire’s Business Support team, you’ll be the backbone of operations—planning, scheduling, and ensuring our services run smoothly and efficiently!More about the role:Answer customer queries. Raise new jobs on the database, dispatching job cards to crews and processing to invoice. Ensure both the Reactive and Planning mailboxes are monitored and actioned.Support operations by checking the correct personnel and equipment is booked for the following days’ workload.Complete job packs by collecting all the correct information (PO’s, waste, completed) ready for invoicing. Ensure accurate and correct financial information on jobs post completion.Collaborate with other departments and the sales team to resource jobs, keeping them informed of progress. Be part of the on-call rota (1 week in 4) and assist in maintaining the rota. When required. About you:Experience with Excel essential.  Detail conscious with a high regard for accuracy and well organised.Knowledge of Office 360.Previous experience in administration is advantageous.About us: At Jet Aire, drainage, sewer cleaning, and rehabilitation, is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to complex challenges in the water and wastewater industry. As a member of the Jet Aire team, you'll have the chance to be part of ground breaking projects that have a direct impact on environmental sustainability and public health. From working on large-scale infrastructure projects to tackling intricate drainage systems, every day will present you with new and exciting challenges that will sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge.At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental, energy and water infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimising operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients.Adler and Allan are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in our workplace. We proudly embrace equal opportunities for all applicants, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin. If you require any support with your application, whatever the circumstance, please let us know.

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