Business Processes Project Manager

RBK is Ireland’s largest indigenous professional services firm with a comprehensive and varied service offering. Dynamic and rapidly growing, RBK is committed to delivering innovative solutions to our clients underpinned by a people first approach. We are dedicated to providing our clients with exceptional service and creating lasting tangible impact. As we undergo a period of significant growth, we invite you to learn more about RBK and consider joining us on our journey to success. The Position:An exciting opportunity has come up to work with our Strategy and Culture Partner on driving our Strategic Plan and reviewing our business processes across the firm in order to build a firm for the future.This role will hold the following responsibilities; - Collaborate with various stakeholders to gather and analyze business processes, identifying any requirements, including technology requirements, and other opportunities for improvement and growth.- With a focus on clear structures and processes, contribute to the development and enhancement of business processes across the firm, providing valuable insights to optimize efficiency and effectiveness.- Work closely with the Strategy & Culture Partner to align business goals with the overall organizational strategy, embracing opportunities to deepen your understanding of organizational change and business infrastructure, using your insights to drive continuous improvement.- Working with end users, our Technology team and various other stakeholders, each project will require the Business Processes Project Manager to:Conduct a business process review, employing your analytical skills to assess complex data sets, interpret trends, and provide actionable recommendations to support decision-making.Independently initiate and lead research efforts to gather relevant market intelligence and industry best practices.Agree new/amended procedures, including any automations and/or technology solutions,Agree new/amended policy and procedure documentation and get sign off on same,Implement and roll out training to end usersCommunicate progress updates to stakeholders.- Take ownership of projects and tasks, demonstrating a proactive approach and a willingness to work autonomously seeing project through to completion.  Profile:- A bachelor's degree in Business, Economics, Management, or a related field.- A minimum of 5 years of experience in a business-related role, demonstrating a strong track record of contributing to business success.- Proven project management experience with the ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously and ensure timely delivery.- Understanding of business systems and how multiple systems interact with one another- Understanding of office environment with multiple departments collaborating together- Excellent presentation and communication skills, both written and verbal.- Exceptional organizational skills and the ability to manage information effectively.- Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, with a keen eye for detail, the capacity to make well-informed decisions and find innovative solutions.- An interest in and understanding of organizational change processes and business infrastructure development is a plus. Why join us?- Be a part of a dynamic team that values innovation, collaboration, and personal growth.- Contribute to meaningful projects that shape the future of the organization and drive positive change.- Work in an environment that encourages independent thinking and initiative.- Access opportunities for professional development and skill enhancement.- Enjoy a competitive compensation package and benefits. RBK Chartered Accountants is an equal opportunity employer. We encourage applications from candidates of all backgrounds and experiences.

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