Pre-Contracts Manager

We have an exciting opportunity for a Pre-Contracts Manager to join our busy Ireland-based team here at FLI Precast Solutions. We are looking for an enthusiastic self-starter who has a passion for the construction industry and possesses an eagerness to learn. This is the ideal role for candidates looking to work on bespoke, state-of the-art and innovative projects. The chosen candidate will join a supportive team that will help them to thrive and make an impact in the world of construction.  Roles and Responsibilities:Generate leads from their existing network, as well as take up telephone and website enquiries for projects. A significant part of the role will involve building long-term client relationships.Liaise directly with client engineers, project managers, QS to develop an understanding of the optimum solution for their construction project.Present technical and commercial proposals to prospective clients, seeking feedback on proposals.Work closely with the client's project manager, estimator, and quantity surveyor to progress the project from an enquiry to an order.Handover of the project once an order has been received to the project management and operations team to allow the full design stage to commence and production schedule to be put in place.Monitor progress of the project through design, manufacture, delivery, and installation (if applicable) stages to ensure the client is satisfied with the service being provided.Ongoing close collaboration with the estimating, sales, design, manufacturing, delivery, and installation departments to develop an outline design solution proposal and a commercial offer for our solution. The Ideal Candidate:Degree or trade in construction related field such as quantity surveying, estimation, procurement, civil or structural engineering, project management, carpentry, electric, etc. Knowledge of the construction industry and working under construction contracts an advantage. Ability to interpret tender drawings and specifications an advantage. Strong project management skills with the ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently and prioritise deadlines. Independent, self-motivated individual with strong commercial awareness.A people person with the ability to influence and build relationships at all levels of a business and exercise personal influence to resolve issues and bring about required outcomes.Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken.Ability to work as part of and learn from a wider team.Proactively seek feedback, recognise their own capabilities, and take the initiative to continuously improve.Proficient computer skills required, for example, Microsoft packages such as Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Teams. Compensation and Benefits:Competitive salary. Performance-related incentive scheme.Car allowance. Fuel card. 23 days annual leave. Hybrid working option available. Company pension plan with matched employer contributions. Death in service benefit.Educational Assistance Programme.  About FLI:FLI Precast Solutions design and manufacture precast concrete elements for a variety of applications in the Data, Energy, Water and Aviation Industries in Ireland, UK and Europe. We provide a service to clients which allows traditional in-situ built concrete infrastructure such as large chambers, tanks, cable troughs, architectural retaining walls, piers and other heavy civils products to be manufactured off site within our three production halls at our twenty-two-acre plant in Ballon, Co. Carlow. Or core values include prioritising safety, whilst providing both quality service and product through our focus on our people, teamwork and efficiency. FLI build relationships with clients by adding value through their creative approach to solving problems and delivering projects on time in a flexible, dependable, supportive and reliable manner. Our customers benefit from FLI’s depth of knowledge, range of experience and attention to detail in terms of working with clients to create solutions. FLI are focused on creating opportunities for personal and professional growth amongst our staff in order to continue responding and adapting to the ever-changing global marker and provide an exceptionable service level to our customers. We are committed to building trusting relationships with our staff, valuing their contribution to business success while also assisting them in reaching fulfilment of their personal and career objectives. About FLIBallon is charming rural village at the foot of the Blackstairs Mountains surrounded by archaeological attractions including motte and bailey, ringforts, cashels, standing stones and holy wells, and less than an hour drive from some of the stunning beaches and attractions of Wexford. The village is a 15-minute drive to Carlow town with its host of shops, restaurants and bars, 10 minutes from the nearest motorway, 60 minutes from Rosslare Harbour and 75 minutes from Dublin Airport making it easily accessible for domestic and overseas travel.  FLI Precast Solutions is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.

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