Business Development Executive

We are delighted to announce that we are recruiting for an exciting new Business Development role for Navan Racecourse which reports into the Navan Racecourse Manager of HRI Racecourses. This is a permanent position and a great opportunity to join one of Ireland’s leading Racecourses. The responsibilities & competencies required for this role are as follows:Role Purpose:The successful candidate will join a small and enthusiastic team at Navan Racecourse and will be responsible for promoting and pursuing race day hospitality sales and prospects while creating and providing excellent customer service and experiences. The role will also be responsible for driving non raceday business development.The responsibilities & competencies required for this role are as follows:Responsibilities: Driving race day hospitality sales, targeting the local commercial, social and leisure sectors. Develop new customers primarily in the local corporate markets for both client and employee events on racedays but also promote racecourses as venues for non-raceday business & events.Plan, schedule and carry out sales calls for new business Supporting the Racecourse Manager & Business Development Manager with activities and following up on leads generated by identifying and developing business Assist the Operations Lead on all activities relating to hospitality and non-raceday bookings and preparation. Develop relationships with GAA clubs, sports clubs, and charities/non-profit sector to advocate and sell Navan Racecourse as a venue for events To drive and generate ‘group’ ticket sales Act as Hospitality, Racehorse Owner & Sponsor Liaison on each racedayWorking to annual sales targets, the successful candidate will be expected to sustain and grow revenues in linewith these. Achieve business targets through proactive sales, including generating and attending client meetings Increase engagement with the local community in any way possible, including attending events such as Boyne Valley and Meath Chamber of Commerce meetings regularly.Strengthen sponsorship efforts by enhancing relationships with current sponsors and identifying new opportunities through networkingProvide accurate weekly/monthly sales and activity reportsOther duties as may be required.Key Capabilities:Customer Focus Knows who the customer is. Role models proactive, customer focused and continuous improvement behaviours. Acts as an ambassador for the business representing a positive image of the racecourse and horse racing in Ireland. Ensures customer satisfaction is a priority.Developing Self Actively seeks to develop by seeking feedback to gain insights for required improvement and proactively identifies skills gaps. Creates an environment which is focused on continuous personal and professional growth & change. Is self-aware and proactively seeks feedback. Uses internal opportunities to learn about wider organisation along with knowledge of own role.Energy & Pace Promotes a high-performance culture, demonstrating values aligned to delivering results, pride & passion, ambition and excellence. Approaches every activity with a desire for success and a ‘can do’ attitude. Displays an understanding of the importance of deadlines and an ability to meet same, striving to surpass expectations while maintaining high standards for attention to detail and adhering to company procedures.Innovation & Change Creates energy and enthusiasm for innovation and change. Brings potential solutions rather than problems to manager/colleagues. Considers all activities to be worthy of review for effectiveness and efficiency of process. Encourages questions and creativity to continuously improve outcomes.Leadership Focuses on individual accountability in roles and takes responsibility for the successful completion of own tasks. Creates a culture of advocacy where everyone shows their pride in the Racecourse & the role they play within horse racing. Shows initiative and energy to get things done. Is creative in approach and can think outside the box in terms of problem solving.Team Builds relationships with team members and stakeholders. Effective and transparent communication across the Racecourses and with HRI. Embraces honesty & integrity with teams, providing a safe place for diversity & debate. Illustrates willingness to help others and is approachable.Skills and Experience:Previous experience in a sales environment and/or relevant degreeExperience in a customer facing role with excellent customer service and communication skills.Excellent attention to detail and organisation skills with the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.Ability to work well within a small team but equally a self-starter/motivatorStrong experience of Microsoft Office packages coupled with database management skills.*Racing is a seven-day business, flexibility in relation to working hours is required*HRI is an equal opportunities employer. Interview candidates will be provided with any necessary reasonable accommodations when called for interview.

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