Business Administration / Compliance Apprentice

MAN Commercial Protection are delighted to offer the position of Business Administration / Compliance Apprentice to join our friendly, busy team based in Shirley, Solihull.Salary £ Apprentice rate TBC dependant on ageJob Overview:We are seeking a diligent and proactive Apprentice to support our busy compliance department.This role involves working closely with the Compliance Manager to ensure that the company adheres to regulatory and legal requirements, as well as internal policies and standards and continually driving the business forward. The successful candidate will play a key role in assisting with compliance audits, risk assessments, and maintaining up-to-date records. Key Responsibilities:Assist in the maintenance and monitoring of the company’s compliance industry standards, including the Security Industry Authority (SIA) guidelines.Ensure all necessary compliance documentation is accurate, up-to-date, and stored correctly.Assist with preparation for and performing of internal and external audits.Assist in the development, implementation, and review of internal policies and procedures.Assisting with the collation of compliance related data.Monitoring of Health & Safety incidents, collating data on Accidents, Incidents and Near Misses. Key Skills:Attention to DetailStrong verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to interact effectively with both internal and external stakeholders.Strong organisational skills and the ability to prioritise tasks and manage time effectively.Ability to identify issues and offer solutions in a fast-paced, dynamic environment.Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, particularly Excel and Word.A proactive and self-motivated approach to work. Benefits:Access to Business Admin Apprenticeship qualification through Solihull CollegeOpportunities for career development and progression.Free parkingFree electric vehicle charge pointsAccess to company funded gym membership21 days holiday plus all UK bank holidays – rising by 1 day per year up to a maximum of 25 daysPension schemeAccess to trainingIf this sounds like the ideal role for you, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!IND10

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