Building Surveyor

Job Title: Lead Building Surveyor - Shaping the Future of BirminghamJob Description:We're thrilled to offer a multitude of exceptional opportunities for Building Surveyors with a passion for leadership and innovation. Join our vibrant Birmingham team with the flexibility of hybrid working, where you'll spearhead projects across a spectrum of exciting sectors, including Housing, Education, Commercial, Care, and Health.What We're Looking For:As a Lead Building Surveyor, you'll be a key player in our success. We're seeking candidates who:Hold or aspire to achieve MRICS status, or bring a wealth of industry expertise.Thrive within diverse, interdisciplinary project teams, adding value with every collaboration.Exhibit mastery in core building surveying skills and a flair for project leadership.Possess exceptional client interaction skills, as you'll be at the forefront of delighting our clients.Why Join Us:We don't just offer a job; we provide a rewarding career. At our friendly, modern construction consultancy, you'll find a competitive compensation package, outstanding prospects for career growth, and a chance to make a positive impact.And That's Not All:Our commitment to your well-being extends beyond the workplace. Here are some of the incredible benefits we offer:Scottish Widows pension and salary sacrifice (4.5% contribution matched).Life assurance cover for all colleagues (equivalent to x4 annual salary).Medicash health plan.A professional development scheme.Flexibility in working hours.Hybrid work arrangements to suit your lifestyle.Birthday leave to celebrate your special day.Long-service leave to acknowledge your dedication to our team.Biannual pay reviews.Join us and be part of a company that values your professional growth, work-life balance, and your contribution to our success. Make a difference while enjoying the journey with us.Please apply with CV and covering letter detailing your current salary, your expectations and why you believe you are suitable for the role.Baily Garner LLP are an equal opportunities employer and positively encourage applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity/paternity needs.

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