Branch Manager - Dublin

BestDrive are experts in automotive parts repair including tyres, brakes, exhausts and much more, as well as offering a robust car servicing and Pre-NCT checking facility. With over 30 branches across Ireland, we are a Continental Company. We aim to be fully digitalized offering the best technical/software equipment available on the Market. Company:                   BestDriveJob Title:                     Branch ManagerReports to:                  Regional ManagerJob Purpose:       The Branch Manager is responsible for the overall management of the branch and the achievement of all financial targets within his/her branch.Key Tasks Required: 1. Operational Management   Planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling of all branch staffMaximise the branch's potential by ensuring all branch and financial targets are metEnsure that all branch staff fully adhere to correct procedures in relation tasks and stock managementMaintain all costs within targeted figuresRegularly review all costs and look for opportunities to reduceEnsure all stock is maintained and regularly audited2. Staff Management    Identify recruitment needs within budget and process with support from Human Resources DepartmentConduct annual employee appraisals for all branch staff and provide regular feedback to all staff on their performanceCoach and motivate branch staff to ensure they meet business demand and targets setDevelop and encourage positive working relationships within the branch and where issues arise resolve them, or if unable, escalate to their Regional Manager3. Business DevelopmentPromote at every opportunity to existing and potential customers the range of services that we provideDevelop relationships with existing and potential customers to retain and grow branch businessBring forward ideas/suggestions for new products or services that could generate additional revenueResponsible for entire branch performance reporting weekly sales to area manager4. Quality ManagementResponsible of the housekeeping of the branchResponsible for staff uniform complianceTo deliver excellent customer service at all times (phone/face to face)Ensure good work practices are being followed in the branch and all technical guidelines are being adhered to - following the policy of getting it right first time.  5. Health and Safety Management Ensure full compliance by all floor staff with health and safety/environmental policies and proceduresEnsure full compliance by all floor staff with safety/environmental legislation.Promote and be a role model for safety in the Branch  Report all breaches of safety policies/procedures and legislation to the Branch Manager     Essential Requirements:You must have motor industry knowledgeRewards and Conditions:Basic salary - NegUnlimited Potential Bonus SchemeBranch Company VehicleTwenty Three annual leaveWrkit discount cardCompany UniformBonus x 2EAP ProgramTraining Development Programs accessible via Continental

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