Branch Manager

An exciting opportunity is available for an experienced Branch Manager to join our team.TJ O’Mahony Limerick, Castlemungret Industrial Est., Mungret, Limerick, V94 AY23, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a full-time, Permanent, Branch Manager to join our Team.Job Purpose: Responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the TJ O’Mahony Limerick Branch, including overseeing sales and coordinating all branch operations. Reporting to the Regional Manager, driving sales to ensure acceptable levels of performance and profitability are achieved.Duties and Responsibilities:·       Management of all key Branch functions, including Trade, Retail, DIY, Showroom, Internal and External Sales.·       Working with the Regional Manager and Sales Representatives to establish and meet monthly turnover targets. ·       Maintaining a clean, well-organised and properly merchandised Store at all times.·       Providing appropriate direction and support to staff in delivering exceptional levels of customer service.·       Management of stock and purchasing, including inventory levels to ensure adequate stocks are maintained, while remaining within working capital guidelines as set out by the Board.·       Overseeing yard and transport functions.·       Management and regular review of all cost inputs, including haulage/delivery and overhead costs.·       Communication of key sales and performance targets within the Branch.·       Ensuring guidelines and procedures are implemented and adhered to, regarding the management of staff, credit control and administration. ·       Ensure compliance with all relevant Health & Safety Legislation including adherence to Company Policy and Procedures regarding the operation of a safe environment for employees and customers.·       Management of staff, including attendance, time keeping and disciplinary procedures, where appropriate.·       Any other duties as required in accordance with the requirements of the business.Requirements:·       Previous management experience essential, preferably within a busy Builder Providers or similar business.·       Strong understanding of the construction industry.·       Competence with standard software packages; MS Word, Excel and basic accounting.·       Excellent interpersonal communication skills with a strong commercial acumen.·       Ability to lead and motivate a team to achieve Branch targets and objectives. Salary: An appropriate salary package including performance related bonus will be negotiated with the successful candidate.  Benefits:·       Bonus·       Company Vehicle·       Employee Discount Job Type: PermanentHours: 40 hours per week HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer

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