Booking Team Executive

Booking Team Executive    Agreed hours: 40 hours Effective immediately   Schedule: Mon- Fri – 9am-5:30pm    Booking Team Overview:   Reports to: Booking Team Manager   The successful candidate will be responsible for the following:  ·       Answer all in-coming calls ·       Be comfortable speaking to clients on the phone and via email, handling sensitive information, situations & queries  ·       Manage appointment queries for all locations, booking sessions when available and keeping an up to date waiting list    ·       Organize and store confidential information including client details and session payments accordingly across all systems    ·       Assist clinicians in the management of their diaries, client lists and appointments. Manage referral pathways accordingly    ·       Support clinicians and clients with any queries or concerns they may have   ·       Competent of working independently as well as part of a team    ·       Conduct additional administrative duties as required       Desired experience:      ·       Comfortable handling sensitive and confidential information on the phone and via email   ·       Enthusiastic with an ability to work to one’s own initiative while being part of a team   ·       Experience with Excel, IT and Microsoft Word   ·       Organized and process driven with experience of working to standard operational procedures   ·       Previous Experience & Knowledge of primary care services desirable ·       Strong Multi-Tasking Skills ·       Excellent Organisational SkillsWho is Centric Mental Health?    At Centric Mental Health we understand the importance of your personal or workplace mental health needs. As the leading provider of private mental health services, our nationwide network of psychologists and psychotherapists are experienced and skilled professionals in their fields. Our goal is to provide every client with the appropriate mental health support. We work to help clients identify and overcome their difficulties in a straightforward, individualized and professional way.    With an ever-increasing number of clinics across Ireland, corporate clients to whom we deliver onsite services, and an expanding list of service offerings, we can offer team members an exciting and varied career path with ample opportunity for growth and development. As a clinician-led organisation, we are very much aware of both the rewards and challenges of providing mental health services across a variety of settings. With this in mind, we use an approach that supports our clinicians by providing clinical and administrative support, whilst also respecting their autonomy and skill set as trained and experienced mental health professionals.  

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