Booking Agent

At The Daffodil, we have always believed in doing things differently.We like the idea that guests can enjoy our luxurious four-star hotel, yet feel completely relaxed and right at home.City-chic contemporary style from the world’s top hotels has inspired us to offer a unique experience here in Grasmere, one of the Lake District’s smallest villages.We hope you’d like to join us…The Role To work within our bookings office to deal with all guest enquiries, questions and requirements for reservations of Hotel rooms in helpful and speedy manner. To ensure that all reservations are processed and managed effectively and that revenue targets are achieved. To be responsible for the day-to-day duties with accepting and entering individual reservations at The Daffodil Hotel & Spa.This is a fixed term 3 Month Contract.The Day-to-Day To deal with customers in a professional and friendly manner, so as to ensure that the start of their Daffodil experience is the best it can be.To ensure the telephone is answered to the Daffodil Hotel & standards and that all messages are taken down clearly and communicated properly.To ensure that all reservation enquiries are dealt with in a professional manner in line with office standards.To maintain good communication and working relationships with colleagues, management and all other departments, especially Head or Revenue, Revenue Manager, and Bookings & Events Coordinator in regards with making reservations.To take ownership for decisions and outcomes and to show initiative to take appropriate action to find resolutions to guest problems and complaints.About You Ideally, we are looking for an Individual with passion for customer service with previous experience working in a hotel or reception role.You will have excellent communications skills and a professional telephone manner, as well as a proactive and self-motivated approach.Joining Our Team We value energy, enthusiasm, commitment and a shared passion to always put the guest experience at the center of what we do.In return, we offer several benefits:Competitive rates of payOpportunities for apprenticeships and qualifications following a successful probation reviewReduced rates and discounts at our hotelsBank Holidays in lieuExtra Holiday for BirthdayA timetable of transport from Kendal, Bowness, Windermere and Ambleside to GrasmereComplimentary meals, coffee and tea on dutyGratuities shared between our teamsEmployee of the month scheme and recognition incentivesTo Apply Tell us why you would like to become part of The Daffodil Team and apply online by attaching your CV & answering the relevant questions.Closing Date: Friday 14th August 2020

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