Boning Hall Packer

•To undertake at any designated areas a variety of tasks associated with the specific department to the required specifications and quality standards, as directed by the Team Leader / Supervisor or other senior staff, according to ABP and Customer specifications.•To competently carry out all tasks required for the undertaking of meat processing or related activities.•Work as part of a team and take responsibility for own work.•Undertake training relevant to the post.•Undertake job rotation relevant to the department.•Actively participate in personal development including communication and engagement.•Ensure that Health and Safety procedures are always observed.•Comply with ABP UK’s Company policy and procedures in the workplace, including safe food handling and hygiene.•To comply with site security procedures.•Undertake any such duties that are within the scope and purpose of the job.•Carry out any additional duties that may be reasonably requested by the manager.Hours of work-Mon-Fri(7am-End of production)Salary-TBC at interview

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