BIM Detailer - Carlow

We have an exciting opportunity for an ambitious individual to join the Engineering Partner of choice- Suir Engineering. Suir Engineering has offices in Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, and Germany. We deliver leading edge next generation solutions to clients by designing, building, and installing Data Centres, Pharma and Medical Device plants and Renewable Energy Systems. We are currently recruiting for a BIM Detailer on a full-time permanent basis to join our growing business. This particular position would be based on a pharma project based in Co.Carlow. Overall Role ObjectiveThe role of the BIM Detailer is to assist the Project Manager to deliver high quality data enriched models and construction drawings. This also involves assisting the Project Manager in overall project planning, detailed design development and coordination between all disciplines, managing and adhering to office/client BIM standards.   Duties/Responsibilities include:BIM Modelling and creation using Revit, Autocad, Plant3d and FABCAD for both live and tender projects.Monitor modelling for any clashing and update drawings.Produce 2D drawings from Revit/CAD files.3D coordination of Asset Information Model.Produce images for reports using BIM renders.Contribute to the process of creating as built documentation.Follow document control processes.Liaise with the Project Manager reporting on progress.Attend meetings with Clients as requested.Any other reasonable and relevant duties as requested, necessary to meet the ongoing needs of the Company. Is this the job for me?The Suitable Candidate must have a third level degree in Engineering/Construction Management or a minimum of 1 year’s relevant work experience.Experience in design software like Revit or AutocadKnowledge of basic construction processes and procedures.Advanced PC skills, specifically Microsoft Windows Applications (Word, Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint).Ideally -good knowledge of M&E services and HVAC background.Ideally previous experience of producing AutoCAD M&E service drawings.The ability to read, interpret and understand specifications and drawings.Ability to prioritise workload according to deadlines.Ability to work as part of a team.Attention to detail. In return from Suir:Competitive salary commensurate with experienceEmployer Pension contributionContribution to Private Healthcare22 days annual leaveEmployee Wellbeing and Employee Assistance ProgrammeBike-to-Work SchemeEducational Assistance and CPDOpportunity to become part of great team and work on large scale projectsOur way of working is called the Suir Way, designed to help us continually improve. The benefit for employees is:Our people are empowered to make changes to ensure a quality install through effective ways of working.Our people have a voice and feel empowered.We have an in-built culture of innovation, learning and continuous improvement.Value is delivered every step of the journey. Our efficient processes deliver value.We have a standard, consistent and fully integrated health, safety, environment, and quality system within the business.At Suir Engineering are an equal opportunities employer, we value our greatest asset …. our People.

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