Behavioural Economics Specialist (Programme Executive)

For full job description please visit: ROLE PROFILEThe role of Programme Executive, Behavioural Economics Unit is to support the development of the Behavioural Economics Unit in SEAI, and to inform strategy and delivery. The role involves undertaking research and experiments to test behavioural interventions to drive the clean energy transition. It also involves networking with internal and external colleagues to identify areas where the application of behavioural science can help reduce emissions associated with energy use.We are seeking someone with the ability to quickly understand current needs, challenges and opportunities and to deliver these via an agreed programme of work. The ideal candidate should be a self-starter with good understanding of the ways in which behavioural science can be applied to influence energy policy and reduce emissions associated with energy use.Key Responsibilities of the role of Programme Executive The key responsibilities of the Programme Executive, BEU will include but are not limited to the following:Work with the rest of the team conducting research to design and rigorously evaluate behaviourally-informed interventions to reduce emissions in the energy sector:o  Synthesise existing evidence and summarise key findings and a clear and coherent manner;o  Formulate research questions relevant to the delivery of SEAI’s strategy;o  Design and implement qualitative research, surveys and online experiments;o  Contribute to the design and evaluation of field trials;o  Conduct statistical analysis of primary and secondary data;o  Present research results through both internal and external presentations, and through written publications such as SEAI reports and academic papers;·      Support the translation of behavioural evidence into advice to support SEAI’s strategy and programme delivery, and the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment policy development;·      Work with and support relevant teams within SEAI, other Government Departments and Agencies, and external consultants.The functions and responsibilities assigned to this role are based on the current requirements stated above and may be changed from time to time. The candidate appointed to this role may be required to fulfil other responsibilities across the Data and insights Department. To ensure that activity peaks within the Department are addressed in a proactive manner, it is expected that the candidate appointed to this role will need to be flexible in terms of working hours during these periods.Key Knowledge and SkillsThe knowledge and skills required include but are not limited to the following: Good understanding of the behavioural science literature, and how it can be applied to help solve complex policy problems related to energy efficiency and renewable energy;Good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different research methodologies;Ability to design and conduct rigorous trials to evaluate interventions, including but not limited to randomised controlled trials;Ability to design and code online surveys and experiments, or a demonstrated willingness to learn;Strong statistical and quantitative analysis skills;Strong written and oral communication skills, with the ability to present information clearly to technical and non-technical audiences;Ability to think strategically and to synthesise evidence from different sources to contribute to policy debates;Ability to work on own initiative and deal with competing deadlines and priorities;In-depth knowledge of energy and climate policy is not essential but would be an advantage.Essential RequirementsThe successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:Degree level qualification in a directly relevant subject area (including but not limited to behavioural science, economics, psychology, sociology, or data science);Experience conducting rigorous quantitative research related to behavioural science and economics;Experience conducting statistical and quantitative analyses using statistical software packages (R or similar);Strong communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skills, including ability to communicate technical information to non-technical audiences;An interest in applying behavioural insights to sustainable energy topics;Minimum two years’ experience of working in this or a related area (Research experience as part of PhD or MLitt can be considered relevant experience).Desirable RequirementsSome additional requirements would be desirable, but candidates are not expected to demonstrate all of these:Qualification at MSc or PhD level;Advanced data analysis skills, including experience analysing large datasets (e.g. administrative datasets) for the purposes of evaluation or predictive modelling;Experience coding online surveys/experiments using JavaScript/HTML/css or similar;Experience conducting qualitative research (e.g. focus groups);Experience drafting policy reports and/or academic papers;An appreciation for ethical issues involved in conducting behavioural research;Experience working on energy or climate-related topics;Experience conducting research for policy and working in a multidisciplinary environment.Eligibility to Work:  The SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. Where applicable and to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void.

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