Beauty Therapist

The ideal candidate will:Recognised qualifications: CIDESCO, CIBTAC, ITEC or equivalent;Minimum of 1 years experience in a similar role;Have a passion for Massage;Qualified to a high standard in both face and body qualifications;Excellent guest care and attention to detail;Excellent communication skills with team members and guests;Flexible hours including weekend workThe roleWorking with the team in delivery excellent guest care, the successful candidate will be required to:Ensure a professional, friendly and courteous service to all guests;Consistently deliver treatments to the agreed standard;Work varying shifts including morning and afternoons;Ensure a safe environment for all users at all times;Maintain a very high standard of hygiene and cleanliness in treatment room;Deal with enquiries and ensure that bookings are accurately taken using the relevant system;Maintain confidentiality;To liaise with departments throughout the resort as required

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