● POSITION: BEACH SITE WORKER.● PAY RATE: £13.00 per hour.● CONTRACT TYPE: Permanent.● CONTRACTED HOURS: 40 hours per week (Full Time).● OVERTIME: Paid at x1.5 basic rate for hours worked over 40 hours per week.● SHIFT PATTERN: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm.● OTHER INFO: Occasional weekend working, plus some early starts as and when required.● OTHER INFO: Full driving licence essential; your own transport would be beneficial. We require a highly reliable and self motivated person to join our OYSTER FARM TEAM, to assist in the day to day operation of the Oyster Farm at our site in Ulverston, Cumbria.  The successful applicant will be able to work well within a small, focused team. Previous aquaculture experience, with transferable related skills and qualifications preferable, however full training will be provided. The role will involve working outside in all types of weather conditions, as well as inside the site’s Oyster Farm Centre. Day to day duties will vary and will include:● Harvesting shellfish using designated equipment.● Grading shellfish.● Assisting with transporting shellfish to designated areas. ● A range of cleaning and housekeeping duties throughout the site.● Perform routine maintenance tasks of vehicles and equipment.  BENEFITS:● 28 days holiday per annum (pro-rata).● Company Pension Scheme.● Death In Service (Life Assurance) Scheme. RIGHT TO WORK: Before applying for this job, you must have the right to work and live legally in the UK. This can be obtained by being a UK citizen or by having UK Settlement Status. HOW TO APPLY: Submit your CV on-line or contact our HR Team for an Application Form - Tel: 01499 600462. Loch Fyne Oysters Ltd, Clachan, Cairndow, Argyll, PA26 8BL. SITE LOCATION: Roosebeck, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0RF.

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