Bathroom Showroom Sales

TJ O’ Mahony, Ballymount, Co. Dublin, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a full-Time, Permanent Bathroom Showroom Sales Person to join our Team. Job Purpose: Bathroom Showroom Sales Duties and Responsibilities:Assisting customers in choosing and designing their ideal bathroom.Selling to both retail and trade customers.Preparing quotations.Working closely with the warehouse and dealing with Suppliers.Use of the In-House Software.Carrying out any additional duties as required to meet business requirements.Requirements:Bathroom Showroom and Retail experience.Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.Customer service focused.Highly motivated and innovative.Works as part of a Team.Computer proficiency (MS Excel & Outlook).Friendly, helpful attitude. Benefits:                                                                                           On-Site Parking        Bike-to-Work SchemeEmployee Discount                Hours: 39 hours per week (Monday–Saturday) HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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