Batching Plant Operator

Our Concrete Products and Aggregates business is a high performance and profitable business unit supporting our Irish customers. At Kilsaran, we are trusted by businesses and contractors alike to produce quality construction materials that are fundamental in the creation of our national infrastructure, including large commercial buildings, domestic and agricultural construction, office blocks and major road networks. The batching plant operator is responsible for controlling production and load out of materials produced in the batch plant. You will liaise with Drivers and Customers in order to ensure timelines are being met and advise of any delays.Responsibilities:·       Ensure on-going effective communication with drivers, customers, production and sales. ·       Responsible for the delivery of the right quality (in consultation with Technical Team) and quantity of material to customer. ·       Ensure timely batching of materials according to specification.·       Maintain time and material records.·       Ensure efficient working conditions of batching plant equipment.·       Manage instructions to drivers with regards to their working hours, breaks and rest periods. Skills Required:·       Minimum of 2 years’ experience working in a busy Despatch Office/concrete batching plant. ·       Knowledge of shipping systems is a bonus. What You Get:Kilsaran is an organization that believes that our people are our greatest strength, and our success is down to the dedication and enthusiasm of our team. As such, we have dedicated benefits structures to reward our team. The benefits on offer for this position are as follows:·       Competitive hourly rate·       Annual Attendance Bonus·       Overtime Pay·       Twenty One Days Annual LeaveAdditional Benefits:·       Sick Pay·       Construction Workers Pension Scheme·       Employee Assistance Programme·       Cycle-to-work scheme·       Further education/training and development support·       Career progression opportunitiesHiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       1 round interview process·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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