Batching Plant Operator

Precast – Oranmore, Co.GalwayKilsaran Precast is high-performance, bespoke business that offers a full-service solution from building design and manufacture through to installation, the fully automated state-of-the-art plants located in Kildare and Galway are not constrained by static moulds and are completely BIM orientated.We are seeking a skilled and experienced Batching Plant Operator to join our dynamic team. The Batching Plant Operator plays a critical role in our production team, responsible for operating and maintaining our batching plants to produce high-quality concrete and asphalt mixes. This position requires technical expertise, attention to detail, and a strong focus on safety and efficiency. Responsibilities:Batching Operations: Operate computerized batching systems to accurately weigh and mix raw materials according to specific formulas and production schedules.Quality Control: Conduct routine tests and inspections on raw materials and finished products to ensure compliance with quality standards and specifications.Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance and cleaning of batching plant equipment, including mixers, conveyors, and scales, to ensure optimal performance and longevity.Troubleshooting: Identify and troubleshoot equipment malfunctions or process deviations, implementing corrective actions as needed to minimize downtime and maintain production efficiency.Inventory Management: Monitor inventory levels of raw materials and consumables, coordinating with procurement and logistics teams to ensure adequate supply for production operations.Safety Compliance: Adhere to safety protocols and procedures at all times to maintain a safe working environment for yourself and others.Documentation: Maintain accurate records of production activities, including batch records, inventory logs, and maintenance reports, in accordance with company policies and regulatory requirements.Team Collaboration: Collaborate with other members of the production team, including supervisors, operators, and maintenance technicians, to coordinate workflow and achieve production targets.Continuous Improvement: Identify opportunities for process optimization and efficiency gains, proposing and implementing solutions to enhance productivity and quality. Skills Required:Knowledge of concrete and asphalt production processes, materials, and quality standards.Strong troubleshooting skills with the ability to diagnose and resolve equipment malfunctions.Attention to detail and accuracy in performing batch calculations and quality tests.Ability to work independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced environment.Effective communication skills and the ability to follow instructions and procedures.Commitment to safety and adherence to safety guidelines and regulations.Hiring Process Upon Application:Telephone Screening1 round interview process (1st Round can be completed via MS Teams where necessary)Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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