Basic Grade Physicist

About the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic is a 112 bed private hospital in Lucan, West Dublin. Our specialised medical teams provide medical, surgical and advanced radiotherapy care to patients and are supported by the very latest medical technology. The Hermitage Clinic is committed to providing excellence in patient care using state-of-the-art facilities. The Clinic offers an outstanding level of expertise and cutting edge technology. We have the most advanced diagnostic imaging equipment available today, full Cardiological facilities including a Cardiac Catheterisation Suite and Clinical Laboratory services.We are currently recruiting for a Basic Grade Physicist (Diagnostics) to join our team in the Hermitage Clinic on a full time, permanent basis.The role holder will be expected to:Assist with scientific and technical support to Nuclear Medicine, Radiopharmacy, Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Protection services in the hospital. Covering a range of diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine equipment including General Radiography, Dental, Interventional Fluoroscopy, Mammography, CT, SPECT/CT, PET/CT, MRI and ultrasound systems.  To provide daily support in Nuclear Medicine and Radiopharmacy, including Quality Assurance and Radiopharmaceutical preparationTo carry out annual and post service quality control checks on all imaging equipment in the Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine department.To assist in the quality control on image quality on all reporting workstations.To assist with routine laser services in the hospital.To assist in organising the calibration of all radiation measurement instruments and other ancillary equipment used in the diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine department.To assist in the management of occupational radiation exposure monitoring.To carry out radiation protection measurements as required in diagnostic and Nuclear Medicine if required.To participate in the acceptance and commissioning of new imaging modalities including ionising and non-ionising equipment.To assist in the development of local procedures for diagnostic imaging equipment as required.Keep abreast of current developments in the field including current standards, tolerances and safety limits.Staff development and in-service training relevant to the post as may be organised from time to time.To assist in the development of clinical audits and dose reviews Contribute, as required, to research, development and innovation.Analyse computer generated data in Medical Imaging, and other areas, and present it in a form suitable for clinical interpretation.To assist with training and education of other staff as required.      Essential requirements for the ideal candidateHold a recognised first or second class honours degree (BSc) in Physics or another appropriate science subject.Possess the required knowledge and ability (including a high standard of suitability) for the proper discharge of duties of the post.Why work at the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the Hermitage Clinic team you can benefit .from: Competitive salaryAn Education Support ProgrammeDevelopment opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionAccess to a Pension SchemeSubsidised RestaurantFree staff car parkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife AssuranceThe Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email

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